Chapter 2 Dreams

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(use the white noise from the last chapter if you like)

Riley was on a merchant ship in her dreams. The sails caught the wind perfectly, the boards creaked under her feet, she could hear as the waves crashed into the hull, she could feel the salty sea breeze on her face. Odd... Riley thought I've never dreamt of a ship in such detail. She could hear other people aboard, singing rang from below decks. There were 3 other people on the deck nearby talking and laughing holding tankards from which they occasionally drank. Riley moved closer. "Hello?" she asked but they didn't seem to hear her. 2 of them were women the other was a tall dark-skinned man with an eye patch and buzz-cut hair. the woman in the middle had dark britches, a ruffled white shirt and was wearing a dark scarlet corset as well as thick boots with buckles. Her skin was light but tan with freckles along with her nose and under her eyes which were a familiar storm gray, she had blonde hair pulled up in a tight bun and she wore lots of earrings. The other woman wore a simple black dress and a dark gray corset, and leather flat shoes. She had black hair and green eyes. Then Riley realized they were arguing about weapons. "No, a good old-fashioned sword is better Mary." the man said, " No a flintlock is much easier to use!" said the woman in the black dress who must have been Mary. "Now now." said the woman in the middle with the scarlet corset " It depends on the situation. I mean never bring a cutlass to a flintlock fight, am I right?" "oh shut it with your jokes Trout." the man said as Mary laughed. "Good one!" Mary said, Mary and Trout, bumped their tankards and drank. "You both drunk that's why you're unreasonable." the man said. "Oh lighten up for once Trent, we JUST fought off that enemy ship celebrate!" Mary said, Fought off?  Riley thought. Trent  sighed "I'm getting another drink." he said, "Can I come along?" Mary asked, "Sure, you coming Trout?" Trout looked like she wanted to but, "Nah I'm good. You 2 go ahead, someone has to keep watch anyway." so Mary and Trent went down below decks. Trout then moved to the rail and dropped the empty tankard on deck and looked out at the waves. She sighed, looked around as if to be sure no one was on decks and jumped over the rail into the sea below. "Wait no! You could drown!!" Riley yelled then she remembered no one could hear her. Riley glanced around, What do I do? she thought get help? no, no one can hear me and I doubt they can see me. She was about to jump in and follow Trout when the whole ship trembled. A second ship rose from the waves. it was an odd blue-green and covered in seaweed. Then the cannons on the other ship loaded and fired.

Riley bolted upright in her bed. What was that dream? she looked out of her window it was almost midnight, not even morning. A thought then came to her. Riley threw off the covers and threw on a gray dress and belt. Maybe... Riley thought That creature will be at the beach now. Riley quietly put her shoes on and left the house. Ok, Riley thought, here goes nothing! And she bolted through the woods to the hidden beach.




What does reader think? What's going on? What's with the odd dreams? What will Riley find on the beach? (605 words noice)

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