chapter 1 (the beginning)

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Unknown person - you were weak because of you every body died I should not have been with you kaizan

Kaizan - no'' no stop it why do I get this kind of dreams My name is kaizan I am 14 year old currently a 3rd rate fighter in Batson

(Batson - a criminal organisation which trains people to fight with each other to death and earn a lot of money from this
The rule is simple only strength matters

Host - ladies and gentlemen today is the biggest event in the history of Batson a 3rd rate fighter dares to challenge the defending champion Ruqa , Ruqa who have never lost a fight in the history of Batson ladies and gentlemen you should start betting after a short break the fight is gonna take place .

audience - what's the point of betting today if the winner is already decided Ruqa can't lost a fight to a mere 3rd rate fighter

Audience - what if they are lying to us he could be a first rate fighter

Audience - are you crazy Batson has never lied to its Audience ok let's assume that the challenger is a 1st rate Fighter but still Ruqa can't lost a fight

Audience - why

Audience - Did you forget When Ruqa made his debut he defeated 10 1st rate fighters on his own

(1st Rate fighters )
Considerd to be the strongest in Batson thier fighting level is equal to special Government

(2nd rate fighters )
Considerd to be the second best fighters in Batson thier fighting style is equal to UFC players

( 3rd rate fighters )
Considerd to be weakest in Batson and thier fighting level is considered equal to bandits

Host - Ladies and gentlemen please welcome the king of Batson grey

(Grey is the owner of Batson and a big criminal )

Host - ladies and gentlemen the movement you have been waiting for please welcome the defending champion who has never lost a fight Ruqa and the challenger kaizan

Ruqa - nobody dares to see in my eyes and a mere 3rd rate fighter dares to challenge me just you wait you bastard I am gonna kill you

Host - let's begin the match

Ruqa - I was thinking that I was about to fight a monster but you are just a kid I advise you to leave

Kaizan takes off his mask

Audience gets shocked

∆ he is more handsome than a idol
∆If he was not a fighter he would be very famous
∆It is vey rare to see golden eyes
∆I love his eyes they are the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen
∆ will you marry me
∆ Become my son in law
∆ those muscles are no joke

( Kaizan characterstics )
Height - 5.7ft
Eye colour - Golden
Blood group - AB negative
Weight - 64 kg
Strength - can easily predict opponent moves
Weakness - can't feel emotions
Hair - black 🖤

∆ hey did you saw his blood group
∆ his height is no joke
∆ his skin colour is so bright

Ruqa - The thing I hate most in the world is handsome jerks like you

Grey - I never thought that kaizan will show his face because he usually wears mask while fighting well no body can predict a kaizan after all

Host let's begin the match

When your opponent became unconscious or give up you win

Ruqa characterstics
Height - 5.5 ft
Eye colour - brown colour
Blood group - B positive
Weight - 74 kg
Strength - fists
Weakness - ego
Hair - yellow

Ruqa - Today is the last day for you kid don't blame me for what will happen next

Kaizan - let's fight

Host - Ruqa has closed the distance in 1 second and going for a strike on kaizan face

Kaizan dodges

Every body gets shocked

Because Ruqa has never missed a starting hit

Host - kaizan is dodging every attack of Ruqa

∆ Every body starts hating kaizan
∆ Hey stop dodging
∆ Throw a fist be a man
∆ We paid for fighting not your dodging

Ruqa - kalf kick

Ruqa started laughing
Hahahaha hahahaha get up you lowly life I give you a chance hit me with all your might

(Kaizan stands up)

Audience - this jerk don't stand a chance against ruqa

Host - kaizan has a thrown a punch to the solar plexus Ruqa has fallen

Kaizan - I cannot loose hair

Audience - Ruqa has fallen down I will lost all
My money now

Ruqa - soda soda so let's start fighting seriously

Host - Ruqa has started to drop his weights
What's happening the ground is shaking

∆ I cant see them they are way to fast
∆ what a fearless fight

Host - could Ruqa record can be broken can kaizan stand more than 40 minutes on the ground

Audience - I think so
I should have betted on kaizan

Ruqa - I acknowledge you as my opponent
But you can't defeat me


(Metal form 8 limb formation activate)

RUQA - Kaizan you are the 2nd men who made me use this technique

Is that the legendary Muay Thai technique that can be used only 3 times in your entire life
There's no way kaizan can win this

Host - what's happening kaizan could not move an inch Ruqa is throwing the punches
At the speed of light

(Suddenly kaizan fell down )

Grey"s assistant - sir you made a wrong choice you should have betted on kaizan

Grey - let's see

Kaizan - I cannot loose here all that training sacrifices will go in a vain I made a promise to him I don't won't to feel powerless again
I don't want to loose anything anymore

Ruqa - You were a worthy opponent

Host - what's happening kaizan is standing again

Ruqa - you should not get up now go back to sleep

Host - kaizan blocked the hit what's happening whats this force

Ruqa - how did he stop that

Host - the ring has been destroyed it's a battle of monsters

(Suddenly an explosion takes place )

Host - What happened who win who is the last man standing

Host - kaizan is the last man standing

Audience - Ruqa has been defeated unbelievable

Grey - it's just as I predicted

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