Chapter 3

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As soon as I notice the footsteps, I rush out the door, my shaking hands making it much more difficult to turn the lock. The room is cold- more likely due to my fear than the actual temperature.

I sit myself down on the front porch steps, fully intending to stay outside until Vic makes it home. Hopefully he’s on his way, and if not then he will be in for it when he gets back.

Tonight’s events ring through my mind the entire time I sit outside, every events replaying and permanently etching itself into my mind. I have no idea what’s going on, but I hope it’s something stupid. I originally hoped it was Vic playing a cruel joke on me, but that theory is proven wrong when I notice Vic’s car is still missing from the driveway.

I sit in the cold for nearly three hours, shivering with my arms wrapped protectively around my stomach. I’ll be damned if something happens to this baby.

Bright headlights come into view, making their way up the driveway, and I jump up, practically squealing with happiness.

Vic parks his car, quickly getting out and jogging towards me.

“Kell, baby, are you okay? What are you doing out here? It’s fucking freezing.” He asks, seemingly panicked.

“Do you think I don’t know that it’s fucking cold? I’ve been sitting out here for over three hours. Something happened. I-I don’t want to go back into the house.” I choke on my words slightly, finding it difficult to admit that something is wrong.

“What happened?” Vic asks cautiously.

“I woke up to a strange noise, and so I went to investigate. I was so scared; you have no idea. Anyway, I went into the bathroom after checking out the bedroom, and the- the shower door was- it was- it was swinging. I swear there was no draft or anything. I didn’t want to think much of it, but then I looked around, and there were fucking wet footprints. They were walking straight from our bathroom to your side of the bed. Vic, what if something was in the bed with me? Also, why the fuck were you out so late? I needed you.” I say, voice becoming softer towards the end.

“Fuck, I’m so sorry, baby. Jaime and I were talking and I just lost track of time. Speaking of Jaime, I think we should go talk to him. There are some things I need to explain to you, and I can’t do it without Jaime there.” He explains, grabbing my hands and lifting me up. I yawn, rubbing my hands over my eyes, and he picks me up, one hand under my knees and the other around my back. I rest my head on his shoulder as he carries me to the car, settling me in and even buckling my seatbelt.

Vic rubs my stomach, kissing me on the forehead and whispering reassuring things in my ear before walking over to the driver’s side of the car, where he starts the vehicle and pulls out of the driveway.

“We’re all going to be okay.” I hear him sigh, grabbing my hand and willing me to sleep.


We arrive at Jaime’s house about thirty minutes later. He was clearly expecting us, as he is perched out on his porch, a lit cigarette between his lips. 

“Kell, are you awake?” Vic whispers lightly. I look over at him with hazy eyes, nodding my head and getting ready to exit the car.

“Ah, Vic, Kellin, long time no see.” Jaime laughs. Vic goes along with his antics, shaking Jaime’s hand.

Jaime comes over to me, stepping away from Vic to hug me gently and kiss my cheek.

“How’s it going, Kell?” He asks, smiling and walking Vic and I into his cozy home. He was never the stereotypical cluttered single man that sits around and plays video games all day after work, which I think is what allowed he and I to become good friends. We both get each other.

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