I Told Ya

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Chapter 37: I Told Ya

Despite weeks of surveillance, they were getting nowhere. The most you would tell was that the club was popular with the usual short-skirted, long haired, beautiful set that most clubs in the city with velvet ropes were. Most of the patrons looked like they could be call girls, but so did most girls out clubbing on any given night.

Gus felt she had lost most of the feeling in her hind-end and was quickly running out of things to talk about with Doyle that weren't more personal than either of them were willing to delve into. They were well aware their partnership was temporary and neither were looking for a new best friend.

It didn't help that her old team was riding high on the wave of having closed several potentially high profile cases. She culled most of this knowledge from brief phone calls, but was feeling very out of the loop with the old team.

Gus desperately craved a night off, but she wasn't sure that was going to happen anytime soon. She was pleasantly surprised to be sprung a couple of nights later, and was quickly debating the merits of bubble bath then ice cream or ice cream then bubble bath. Gus had been about to combine the two when her phone rang.

"Oh come on!" she cried, and then felt bad when she saw it was Reed. "Hey cuz", she replied, hoping nothing was wrong. Gus took in the wave of words Reed threw at her, which is what happened when you didn't talk to the boy in a few weeks, and realized he was asking her to some CD release party for one of his favorite bands.

"A club? Are you seriously asking me to go to a club on my night off?"

Reed hesitated, "Er, yeah, Gus, I just know you like them and stuff and I got on the guest list so..."

Gus laughed, "It's not you, it's just this case, I've been doing a lot of...oh never mind. If I can wear jean and chucks, I'm in."

"Cool, see you at nine then," Reed said, already tuned out.

Gus was pulling on her shoes, though she had decided on something other than tattered sneakers, when Reed knocked on her door. "It's open," she called, throwing things into a smaller purse.

"Don't you know this is the big city?" Reed said walking in and giving her a hug.

Gus rolled her eyes and hugged him back."I just buzzed you in, you dork, and besides, I could have shot you if you weren't you."

Why, why the hell would he take 42nd?" Gus hissed at Reed as the cabbie got caught in traffic.

"I thought you might want to see crazy party on billboard, every Friday night, miss," the heavily accented cab driver replied. Gus blushed, not realizing he had heard her.

Gus looked at Reed who shrugged, "I am shocked they are still doing it after the martini mix murder."

"The what?" Gus asked.

"Aren't you reading my blog?" Reed looked downtrodden.

"Er, when I have time," Gus replied sheepishly.

"It got a ton of hits", Reed sniffed, "and Stella cleared it, right around the time Mac solved that kidnapping case with the doctor's brother."

Gus stared at him blankly until Reed rolled his eyes in exasperation. "Jesus, I am out of it," she replied with a sigh, "but I really could care less, can we just get out of this mess, please?"

The cabbie nodded, wheeling it up 6th Ave, where the traffic was noticeably lighter. They arrived to the club shortly after, and Gus was happy that she had also worn some semblance of clothing, because so many of the girls stood shivering in the November night air.

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