We stayed watching for a while until we figured out that this woman was inside a house looking for something we found it as our chance to strike.

Yelena and I covered our face and then I snuck behind him and grabbed him holding his arms so he couldn't swing at me or Yelena, Yelena then ran infront of him and punched his stomach. I was aware he could take me out via legs so I would keep an eye on what he was doing.

Clint was talking to the woman in coms in his ear saying that Maya is with him and some other person?
When it was only Yelena and I, So we were confused but we didn't let it get to our heads.

We were fighting Clint for a while until the woman came down on the zipline Clint made, but she got stuck halfway, and so Yelena quietly jumped on it bringing the woman safe on the roof. And soon after she tried kicking me off Clint but befor she could Yelena tackled her to the ground.

We stood staring for about 2 minutes but then Maya came and kicked the woman and Yelena so I rushed to her asking if she was ok but quietly so no one could hear us.

She nodded and got back up but then the woman was going for her gun and so Yelena rushed to try and get it also but, it got hit in the air and fell off the building.

The woman went for Yelena but she ducked and moved to Clint since Clint was the only person we wanted. We didn't know about this woman that is with him.

Maya was now fighting the woman and then Yelena and I fighting Clint. Clint got Yelena to the ground so I went and attacked him also, and everytime one was on the ground the other went and attacked.

Yelena punched Clint in the stomach causing him to go on his knees, and I saw Maya hit the woman's bow away and so I used my widows bite on her and Yelena went to go to the woman buy she attacked her and so Yelena spun her around not wanting to hurt her, she put one of the harnesses on the belt and chucked her over the edge so she was out the way but we didn't want to hurt this woman.

When Clint saw he ran to her and looked over the edge to catch her but when he saw her on the wire looking up at him he was there for a while which seemed odd and so we heard after a long silence we heard the woman yell "Pull me up!"

But Clint cut the wire to day that he wants her to get away as he has figured out it had gotten too dangerous.

Clint then ran towards Yelena and so she started attacking him again.
After he got close to me since Yelena was purposely missing her hits to walk him backwards to me I grabbed him from behind and restricted his movement. Maya then tried getting involved by grabbing me and pulling me away and so the woman then shot an arrow in the middle of us all and it was one of Clint's trick arrows. Causing a blast so we would all be away from eachother, which caused me and Yelena flying next to eachother and I hit my head as I hit the floor, and there was ringing in our ears and I led on the floor holding my head and ear.

Yelena got up and put her hand on my chest so I put my hand on hers grunting as I sat up. We then saw Maya kick the woman and saw her land on the floor but then she shot her arrow at her that hit Maya in the chest. Maya pulled it out and stared at her for a while and then runs off.

Yelena then saw Clint look at his bow and started running for it and so she did as well, luckily he just made it befor Yelena did and so he started to attack Yelena.

After some fighting Yelena grabbed his bow and then he pulled her mask off to which she quickly moved so he didn't see her face but he caught a glimpse of her but it didn't hit him. I snuck up at him and used my Widow Bitr on him and he fell to the floor.

The woman then stood behind Yelena and aimed her bow at her so I screamed "NO!"

Yelena slowly turned around and shook her head at the woman and she stopped aiming and put the bow down still holding it.
We both looked at her suprised face and then we shot a grappling hook to the floor and ran off of the roof, and so we ran back to the apartment, to do some research of who this woman was and information about her. Creepy I know but yeah.

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