Chapter 8

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~3rd POV~

Everything was black. There was nothing. Just the vast void of his mind. Yet it was so peaceful.

He felt no pain here. He felt safe here. He wanted to drift away and lay here forever. He felt as if he was asleep yet still awake. It was much nicer than the last time he was stung.

Though a voice echoed from behind him, breaking his perfect silence. The voice was familiar. It was feminine and kind.

He heard it again but closer. It was whispering. It spoke again but now close enough that he could hear it properly.

"Hey Owen..."

"W-what?" He coughed out. His throat still felt raw here but it didn't hurt anymore.

"It's nice here isn't it... so much calmer than the clearing."

"W-who are... you?" He managed to mumble out.

"Heh, I almost forgot that part."

"You gotta guess!"

"Oh come on- *cough*" Owen whined.

"Come on one try at least!"

"No." Owen grumbled.

"Guess you'll never know!"

"I guess so." Owen mumbled.

The two sat in silence staring out into the vast void for what felt like hours, though there was no real way to tell.

It seemed like it was hours as the world around him seemed to slowly get brighter and brighter.

"I guess this is good bye."

"I guess so..." Owen sighed.

"Will I ever see you again?" Owen asked still staring he off.

"Hopefully not, but knowing you you'll probably be stung again."

"Thanks." Owen laughed.

The void around them turned to a shining bright light.



The world slowly faded into his vision as he lay in the bed with his eyes open but unseeing. He looked around to see Apo asleep beside him, a small smile creeping onto his face.

He attempted to sit up but the moment he moved a jolt of pain shot through his entire body forcing it back down.

"Oh please let me go back to the void..." Owen whispered under his breath.

He quickly closed his eyes not wanting to deal with any of this and the stupid responsibilities he'd have to come back to.

Attempting to fall back asleep to the peaceful void. Sadly it didn't work as his body rejected the sleep. He had no idea how long he'd been asleep for at this point and he didn't want to know.

"Can't wait to go back to having these stupid responsibilities and other peoples lives riding on my back." Owen grumbled a little louder this time, seemingly waking Apo from his slumber.

"W-what...?" Apo mumbled half asleep still, though the minute he saw Owen awake it was as if the on switch was flicked in his brain.

"Owen!"  He yelled rapping him in a tight hug, he cringed at the pain that jolted through him but he hid it as best he could cause he felt so safe here. In Apo's arms again (platonic you idiot), finally safe.


So I'm considering ending the story off here but idk it's up to you guys. And if I do end the story I may do some other stuff if you guys give me ideas- idk.

~Word Count: 553~

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