Chapter 2

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-In The Clearing-
~3rd POV~

Everyone in the clearing stood around the election stage awaiting what the Leader had called them for.

Oeca and Magic stood off to the side of the stage as they also waited for Graecie to begin so they could talk.

The brunette female walked up onto the stage bringing an uneasy feeling in the crowd. Worried murmurs spread like wildfire as they all saw Graecie's expression.

"I have called you all here for an announcement *hick* I thought I *hick* would never be the one to make... but here *hick* I am... now please listen to Magic as she will explain *hick* everything." Graecie announced very evidently on the verge of tears.

Magic slowly walked up to the centre of the stage with Oeca following closely behind.

"As some of you may know, me Oeca and Owen went into the maze yesterday in order to map out some newer areas. Everything was going smoothly and we were almost ready to leave and it wasn't even midday. But things quickly got out of hand..." Magic started preparing herself for the next few lines. Most people by now had worked out this was about Owen but no one was truly sure what it was about Owen.

"Owen was soon injured after saving Oeca from a trap which slowed him down significantly. When the day cycle was spinning above us we panicked and we got lost in the maze. We ended up back at the creature's clearing right as the time stopped on night. Owen sacrificed himself to save us. I'm sorry... Owen is... gone." Magic announced, the end slowly fading into a mix of a wimper and a whisper.

Loud gasps echoed through the crowd. Everyone knew Owen one way or another, and for most it was a positive way. He was a leader someone to look to and for some of the younger members a father figure. His death impacted everyone in their own ways.

This wasn't what they expected to hear when walking to this meeting.


Short chapter since the next ones from Owens POV. Yay!

~Word Count: 376~

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