Fun day for us

18 0 0


I woke Brooklyn up I got up at 8 some and did our hygiene took a bath I put Brooklyn on her reindeer outfit and pink slide ons I put on my I love Nike shirt my Nike jacket jeans tennis shoes and hoop ear rings I put my hair in a bun and put Brooklyn's the same way.I picked Brooklyn up and ran downstairs and put her on the carpet and cooked breakfast Brandon came downstairs and I said Good morning he said it back he fixed his plate I fixed me and Brooklyn plate I fed Brooklyn and wore her mouth and have her orange juice I cleans up a little bit I made up the bed and vacuumed I put on sponge Bob for Brooklyn and gave her the tablet to play with

Where are u going Brandon....I'm getting a surprise for my baby's...ok love you....bye...bye

I attended to Brooklyn for a hour and Brandon came in take Brooklyn and look outside...ok Brandon

I walked outside there was a mama doggy and a puppy awww I ran to Brandon and hugged him I let Brooklyn down we Sat out there for a minute to,let Brooklyn play with the puppy and dog

The life of: Brandon and Kinziजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें