Who ha?

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A knock at the door
KNOCK KNOCK. Brandon was still asleep Brooklyn was on the couch doing the same I walked to the door and opens it... Hello......umm excuse me let me see Brandon he sleep and whoo u I'm his did we chickkk......umm what??HIS SIDE CHICK BITCH...DONT HOLLOR AT MEE NIGGA I GRABBED HE BY HER HAIR...BRANDON YO BITCH OUTSIDE I YELLED


He got up and went to the door gave her a kiss right in front of my grabbed that BITCH and upper cutted her and drug her across the parking lot. Brandon ran to us and broke us up she mean mug me and spit me I punched the BITCH soo hard in his mouth that's when Brandon punched the FUCK out me again and beat the FUCK outta me in public I cried for help..

The life of: Brandon and KinziWhere stories live. Discover now