Chapter 2

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Lexi's POV

It was a dull day at the abandoned warehouse with rain spitting, the wind howling, the metal scraping against each other. When Lexi woke up she stayed in bed until noon cause she was too lazy to get up (A/N Lol me). Then she had to get up cause there was a knock at the door. She went and opened the door and Deadpool (her dad) was standing there with lunch in his hands. "Damn you look like you've had a rough morning. Lunch?" Said Deadpool

"How could I say no to food," said Lexi with a grin plastered on her face. Once they had their lunch Lexi went to change into something she could train in. Lexi and Deadpool had been training most of the day.

"You did good today kiddo." Said Deadpool, using the name he had been using since she was born.

"Thanks, I have been practicing and you can stop calling me kiddo I'm 20." She said while playfully rolling her eyes.

"You'll be even more powerful with your powers and no I won't stop calling you kiddo even if you are 20 or 47." Deadpool siad with a grin on his face. After that they worked on Lexi's evil plan 😈. "Goodbye kiddo." Said Deadpool leaving while waving goodbye.

"Goodbye dad." She said waving at her dad as he leaves. After he leaves Lexi had a shower, got changed into pjs, had some pot noodles for dinner cause that was the only thing she had/could make. Then she cleaned up from dinner, got into her bed made out of swords and went to sleep as soon as her head touched the pillow. She was exhausted from all the training she had done today. (A/N I would be too)

Author's Note
Hey, I hope you like this sorry the other bits before were just fillers bc where I had saved the story it was still loading. Chapter 3 will be out later today or tomorrow. Tell me what you think. You can give me ideas as well bc I will probably go rambling on about stuff and this story won't make sense but yeah. I also tried to put a picture of the pot noodle but idk if it showed up but the flavour is BOMBAY BAD BOY. I just feel like that is what she would like y'know. Bye 👋

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2022 ⏰

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