prologue[minor changes]

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                      (First person)

I was listening to team rocket making up another dumb plan to capture Pikachu.

I decided to just leave, it was gonna fail like always but I was stoped by Jesse

"Hey mimikyu come here we need you for our plan." Jesse said with excitement. Sometimes I wish I didn't understand humans.

I just blankly turned my "head" at her.
Then she started to explain their "great plan"

I then left.

"Wait Mimikyu we need you for this plan!" the talking Meowth yelled.

I then gave him a death glare.

"ECK" Meowth flinched with his paws to his chest.

I hate it here.

-time skip-

I was in the part of the forest I never been before. Mostly fariy pokemon stayed around here. But one of them looked out of place.

This "pokemon" was wearing a top hat and suit. It then approached me. And stared at my disguises head.

"Why hello odd looking Pikachu" it said
I simply looked at it dumbfounded

"Goodbye odd looking Pikachu" it then hit my head with a weird stick and I went blank.








I then woke up in a weird room, I also felt little bit taller (a average mimikyu is 8 inches) I was in a women's arms and there was another baby boy In her other arm, she seemed very happy

-Time skip-

Turns out I'm human. At least that dumb Pikachu isn't here
Why is that baby have Rosy cheeks like that rodent.

mimik-u [mha x male reader] (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now