Chapter 1 Start of Hunter Exam Arc

Start from the beginning

"Papa... Mama ga- mama ga-" Unable to finish her words, her father tried to soothe her cries only to grimace from moving his body too much.

"Urk-!" More blood oozed out from his shirt.

"Papa!" She pushed herself, alerted at his father's pained groan and overflowing blood. "Onii-san, please help my papa!" She sniffle at the man who was already taking out the necessary materials to take care of his wounds out from his case.

"Don't worry, little girl. Your papa will just be fine." He reassured them.

"Mama. How about mama? The big bad monster took mama."

The man patted the girl, multitasking from bandaging the man and comforting the little girl, "It's okay. Your mama will be fine. Kurapika and Gon will make sure of it. Just trust them and they'll surely come back with your mama! The big bad monster will be defeated soon! So don't cry now, okay?"

The girl wiped her tears and nod, sniffling her nose, "Okay..." She then turn at her father, "Papa, are you okay? Does it hurt bad?"

The man grimaced trying to relax himself from getting treated as he turn at his daughter, "Don't worry, your papa only has simple scratch. Nii-san is making sure to treat them nicely."

"That's a terrible slash Otoo-san. This will need a stitching so, bear with me for a little. I only have a pain killers to help you numb. Do you think you can take it dry right now?" The tall man frown at seeing the inches long of his wound. If he never came, he would have died in blood loss or worse, get eaten or get killed by that Kiriko. However, despite having been slashed by the nails from that Kiriko, the wound sure came out a clear cut.

The tall man wondered ever so slightly if the Kiriko have killed too many people it had experience slashing many flesh to have learn how to make a very clean cut.

'What a dangerous creature...' He so ever wish both his companion could capture or maybe just scare the Kiriko away to come back in this hut. He would never know what he'll do if it comes back to take away his life too.

After giving the pain killer to the wounded father, the doctor proceed to stitch back his long cut over his abdomen that reach until his side. He knew he was never that great at stitching, but after practicing much with clothes, he was confident to say he's doing a great job as a first timer to operate a suture. (After 5 years as an intern in a hospital, he'll find out his stitching was actually very terrible, much to his dismay. But it still worked enough to close the wound, so it became the sole reason he's not much upset with his suture.)

Once done, the little girl gave his father a hug, careful to not touch the bandage in his side. The father sigh in relief and gave a grateful smile at the man, "Thank you..."

The girl turn at the man also giving him a hug which took him by surprise, "Thank you Onii-san!"

The man caught off guard, his tension still raised from the small stitching he did, soon relax at the hug he received from the little girl. Smiling sheepishly, embarrass at the action, he scratch the back of his head in process and patted the girl in comfort. His sheepish smile warming into a gentle smile.












"Eh?! All of you are families? Then you too?" The young boy out of the group pointed at the cloak little girl, standing beside the woman.

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