Chapter Four

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Sunlight streamed in through the kitchen window as birds chirped happily from the Northern bayberry shrub that was located beneath the window. What should have been a beautiful sound only caused the two women sitting at the rectangular kitchen table to groan.

Forks scraped against their plates as they forced themselves to eat their greasy breakfast consisting of eggs and bacon with a side of toast. 'The Hangover Cure' they used to call it in their younger days. Obviously, they were both too freakin' old for it to actually work anymore.

Normally, Saturday mornings were a pretty decent affair in the Teller household. Nora would rotate between making huge buffet style breakfasts and just plain old French toast. While she was cooking, Jax and the kids would be stationed on the living room sofa watching Saturday morning cartoons. After breakfast, they always made sure to take the kids out and do something special with them. It was Jax's way of making it up to his family for all of the times that he had to be away for Club business. And, for the most part, life was good.

But not anymore.

No, now Nora was lucky if she was able to spend her Saturdays with Muffy.

Not that Muffy was bad company.

Quite the contrary, actually.

The only problem with Muffy was that her go-to solution for heartbreak or bad days was to get black out drunk -- and to be honest, Nora simply felt too old to do that every Friday night. Although, she could admit that the alcohol did help to soothe some of her pain.

After four months without the normal Teller Saturdays, Nora could say that she really missed having her family all together. She hated having to drop her kids off every weekend. She hated being alone. But damn it, she was too embarrassed by what her husband had done to simply welcome him back with open arms. How could she? What message would that send to her children?

So, no. She had to stand her ground and teach Jax a lesson that he would hopefully never forget.

Ding ding, school's in session bitch.

"What are your plans for today?" Muffy questioned as she pushed her empty plate away.

"I've gotta pick up prescriptions for Mom and Piney." Nora brought their dishes to the sink. "Then I need to go to the store and pick up some things to pack the kids' lunches for school."

Muffy eyed her from her seat at the table. Drumming her fingers on the table top, she casually leaned against her chair. "You know, tonight is ladies night at—"

"No," Nora cut her off with a shake of her head, "Absolutely not." She leaned against the counter and crossed her arms with a scowl.

Ladies Night? Ha. Their drinks were always free no matter what night it was. It wasn't like this was some special occasion that she would be missing out on. It had been four months since Nora had even stepped foot inside of the Clubhouse and she didn't plan to go now.

Muffy's brown eyes widened, "Oh, come on! Jackass won't even be there," She got out of her chair and walked over to put her hands on Nora's shoulders. "We'll have some drinks and dance our asses off. It'll be fun."

Nora's scowl deepened, "And I'll have my every move spied on and reported back to Jax. So, I'll pass."

There was no doubt in her mind that if she were to step foot inside the Clubhouse, her husband's phone would be blown up by every Patch member on site calling to inform him of his wife's whereabouts.

"Who cares? Let them report back to Jax." Muffy gave her a mischievous smile and winked, "Give him a taste of his own medicine."

Nora shook her head and raised an eyebrow, "You really want to be partially responsible for some poor guy getting murdered just so I could get revenge on your cousin?"

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