Chapter - 17 Encounter

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(Rimutu Pov)

Its been weeks since. I saved the kids. i have told my subordinate to prepare for battle becuase Farmus kingdom will raid us becuase of their greeds. I contacted Souie via <Thought Communication>

"Souie, how is it going there?"

"The humans seemed to have stopped before entering the forest my Rimuru-sama. I suspect that they have sent scouts ahead in order to ensure a safe route that the army could use."

Scouts huh, a wise decision, although it will probably be in vain. Because of Souie that is.

he has successfully infiltrated the human army, it was a bigger one than what Farmus sent against us. I'm assuming this is Yuuki's fault, why I think so is because of how he was behaving recently.

I had though that he'd stay put this time, but I'm guessing he was quite suspicious of me. I did come out of nowhere, and Clayman must be the man that provided these extra people. There are about 25,000 of them from what Souie report.

5,000 more men than last time... I should let Souie gather information about the army's purpose. If they have a different motivation than last time, I'll spare them with my mercy. But if they don't... I'll kill them all

I know it's harsh, but it's what I gotta do, the moment you hesitate, the infinitely higher risk of you losing something dear to you. I learned that the hard way.

'Souie, can you gather some intel on what exactly did they gather this army for.'

'.I see, you truly are benevolent Lord Rimuru, I will see to it that I do not disappoint you.'

he saw through me... guess that was too obvious. I'll have to come home to Tempest as soon as possible.


I visited Shizu and the kids for a short while, saying my goodbyes, for now. On my way towards Tempest, I sense a sky dragon, that very same one from before. Or at least I thought it was...

《Danna-sama, I think that one's a bit different》

Huh? What do you mean by that?

《Although it has the very same appearance, I can confirm you that the magicule amount of that dragon rivals an unawakened demon lord》

Wait what! That's a big deal, how did it get that much magicules though?

《This Sky Dragon was stronger becuase how dense the magicule it eated. Most likely someone gived this Sky Dragon some dense Magicule》

After that I flew at the Sky Dragon with my Dragon Wings currently im not using my my handsome facre is exsposed. well not that anyone can see my face anyway.

Then i saw Mjöllmile and Bydd.Geez i almost forgot about him.

I erased the lightning attack by the Sky Dragon with <Void God Azathoth> then look at Mjöllmile

(Mjöllmile Pov)

I, Mjöllmile had traveled back to Blumund, successfully delivering five hundred of the monsters' potions. Kabal and his crew took their leave afterward; in their place, I hired a C-ranked adventurer who called himself Bydd and embarked on another journey to Ingracia. His wagon, loaded with the remaining five hundred potions, reached the kingdom without incident.

The incident only came after he'd crossed the border.

"What is that monster?!" I shouted. Ravaging the landscape in front of him was a glittering white Sky Dragon-a personification of pure destruction that no human could stop. Gate guards, presumably Ingracia soldiers, had begun evacuating nearby residents, leaving travelers and merchants from other nations to fend for themselves. There were already casualties.

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