With her hands extended out, Raavi spun around in happiness taking in the fact she was really in back in the same exact spot. "We are really, really here...." Shiva leaned against the railing, smiling at her. He reached out and tugged Raavi against him. Immediately, she flung herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck, the force making him lift her off the ground.

Setting her down, Shiva moved her hair to one side, and traced her the curve of her back, "Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?" he asked huskily.

She looked stunning today; the soft peach of her dress, showing off her waist, the curve of her back, highlighting her lithe figure to perfection. Her skin shone like polished pearls making it seem like she was glowing from within, her rosy cheeks, pert nose, berry lips, all forming the finest specimen of a woman, he knew. He could barely wait to kiss her, love her to his heart's satisfaction.

"Ek baar aur bologe toh main bura nahi maanungi," she said coyly, playing with the button of his sherwani. When she had first come out of her room, Shiva stared at her so hard making her think something was amiss; she had run back to double check her makeup, accessories, and outfit. But when they had been briefly alone, he had complimented her so vocally, she blushed recalling his words.

"Tell me, do I look like Kareena Kapoor in the song Bole Chudiyan?" she asked him. As he vaguely tried to remember the song, she elaborated, "she wore a similar outfit in the song Bole Chudiyan from the movie Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham...Shiva! we saw this movie together on a Tuesday, when we'd skip afternoon class!" She pouted, trying to jog his memory "how could you not remember, one of the most touching movies ever? My favorite actor Shah Rukh Khan gets separated from his family...I even cried before interval."

"Raavi, sweetheart, you have cried at 90% of the movies we have watched together," pointed out Shiva, also reminding her that he, Vasu and Arjun hated all her movie choices, so they really weren't even paying attention. "Even though I don't exactly remember the actress wearing this outfit; it looks incredible on you...I am afraid when we get home, your outfit may not survive...me," following the two thin straps in the back, holding her top together.

"You remember, our deal just before we left, right? You break, you pay..." quipped Raavi, smiling into his eyes reminding him of the deal she had bullied him into agreeing; any 'clothing' of hers he ripped, she would take his cash to replace the torn clothing, further pointing out that at the rate of his success in ripping her kurti, her underwear, she wouldn't have any clothes left by the end of the month. He had begrudgingly agreed when she reasoned that most of the stuff, she'd replace would be for his eyes only.

Shiva cupped her cheeks, taking her face in his large hands and asked, "What do you think of being back here?" looking at her intently, his eyes gesturing around them.

"I love this place, and I love you so much," sighed Raavi, wrapping her arms around him, resting her head on his chest...She didn't want to ruin her makeup by crying, but this place was so special to her. Six years ago, those few minutes they spent here would always be one of her most cherished moments in life.

"It was right here, Shiva, I came to you, laid my head on your chest and made you hug me."

"You still do that; you know that right?" amused Shiva. Seeing her confused look, he elaborated, "You still throw things from my hands and make me hug you."

She just shrugged, not too concerned about the petty casualties in her pursuits of his hugs, "hold me close, Shiva," taking his arms, and wrapping them around her, taking a deep breath when she felt him tighten his hold on her.

"What were you thinking that day, when you came here?" she asked him, feeling loved and protected in his arms, her head tucked under his chin.

"I was thinking about you, I really hated everyone who came near you...I was so irritated because that singer couldn't have picked a better song for you," he said quietly. "I was thinking how pretty you looked in your white outfit. Like a goddess, really." He pressed a kiss to her head, "I thought to myself, it's so fitting your name is Raavi, no one knows the beauty and importance of a river than Shiva. I was looking at the horizon, thinking rivers have such an important place in history, changing in time, yet so timeless. That's my Raavi, my north star," he whispered to her. "I was thinking, there wouldn't ancient Egypt without Nile, even the Somnath temple lies at the meeting of three rivers..." he tipped her chin, "...there wouldn't be Shiva without his Raavi," before kissing her.

Pandya Store - Shiva Raavi  (ShiVi) FF- My North StarTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang