Weights class

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Sparks POV

Once we got to weights class we went to the locker room to get changed out. As I was undressing I noticed Dark looking at me. I wondered if something was wrong. "You good Dark?" I ask.

Dark quickly looks away. "I-I'm fine!" I shrug and continue to get dressed for weights. But the thought of Dark looking at me lingered in my mind. It was starting to turn me on. I was confused and embarrassed. What does this mean? Am I gay or was it just a coincidence? I thought I was straight but I might just be gay. That would explain why I have never been interested in girls. But only time will tell I guess.

After we all got dressed out for class we went to the weights room and looked at what we had today. We had bench press, incline press, squats and calf raises.  4 sets of 10 on each. "Well today looks fun guys!" Red said excitedly.

We go to our weights station and get started. I went first and was able to bench 200 as my high. "Not bad Spark." Red said with a smirk. "But now it's my turn."

Red was able to do 240 as his high. "Beat that Dark" Red says confidently.

"If you say so." When Dark went he was able to do 315 as his high. Both me and Red stare in shock as he does it. Then we noticed the whole class was watching him.

"Oh my gosh! He can do more than the top in our class, machoke!" As the leponny said that aloud coach machamp heard this. Machokes dad. Coach walked up to us and said something to Dark that we never expected.

"Dark is it? I want you to compete with my son in a weight lifting competition. You will be doing 1 rep of as much weight as you can handle. Whoever does more weight in bench press, incline press, and squat wins the competition and will have the honor of competing in the same type of weight lifting competition against me in two weeks from today."

This got the entire class really fired up and even started betting on who would win. Me Red and Dark were getting really hyped about this. "Bro, no one has even seen coach machamp work out before! That must mean that the coach is also really fired up!" Red said excitedly.

We look over to see machoke and his friends talking. They seemed really serious. But not in a bad way. An excited way, cause machoke was the strongest in class by far and had no competition. I then look over to Dark who looks both excited and nervous at the same time. I go up to him and say, "Kick his ass Dark." With a smirk on my face knowing he will win.

Dark smiles and nods in acknowledgement. The first competition was the squat max. Machoke went first. Before he goes he says to Dark, "This is going to be fun. Whoever wins no hard feelings alright?"

I was shocked. I thought that machamp was a cocky show-off guy. But he just likes competition a ton. I look at Dark who was just as shocked, but then he gets a smile on his face and responds with, "Right!"

As machoke went his squat max was 550 pounds. He just broke the school record with that. The entire school cheered like crazy. I think machoke won that competition even when Dark hasn't even gone. But Dark looked pretty confident going into it. Dark said he wanted his weight to be 555. I don't think anybody in the room thought that Dark would win. But as Dark went down with the weight his legs were starting to shake. As he did the squat Spark was looking at his legs and butt and thought, "His legs and Butt look amazing doing this." As he tried going back up his legs were shaking even more than before. But he was able to still stand. Everyone around stared in shock as Dark succeeded in doing the rep. There was not a sound in the room. Everyone was too much in shock. The coach also could not believe it as he announced, "Th-the winner of the squat max is Dark!"

Dark looked like he could barley walk after that. Me and Red go up to him and Red says, "That was amazing! I knew you were strong just from looking at you, but I never expected this!"

"Don't get too excited now it is not over yet." Dark replied.

Darks POV

My legs are literally dead! I had to use every ounce of my leg muscle to do that! But we still have to do incline and bench press. So I can't celebrate yet. I look over to machoke who looks a bit upset at the loss but he gets over it quickly. I then look behind me to catch Spark looking at my butt. I start to feel my face turn red and say, "S-Spark is something wrong?" Spark jumps startled. "N-no I'm fine!" He says as he looks away embarrassed. I start to think. Is he gay too?! No! I must not get ahead of myself! But then why was he looking at my butt? As I start to get lost in my thoughts I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see machoke. "Come on Dark! We still have our incline press and bench press! Don't think you've won just yet!" Machoke says excitedly.

"R-right" I reply.

End of part two.

Writers POV

I think this part is better than part one. But please let me know what you guys think of it so far! Also how did you like the pacing? Was it too slow? I love friendly advice if it means to be a better writer.

I will work on part 3 and have it up soon!

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