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Before I say anything else, I'd just like to get one thing clear. I am not responsible in the least. I've managed to trick years and years worth of teachers into thinking I am. I am not. As you can probably tell from the fact that I'm starting YET ANOTHER Books of Beginning fanfic, when I already have several in progress. So I have no impulse control and at the slightest urging by one of my friends I gave in to this idea. There are worse crimes.

Obviously to read this and understand, you have to have read the Books of Beginning trilogy by John Stephens - or at least the Emerald Atlas and the Fire Chronicle, at the very bare minimum. However, you do not have to have read any of my other TBOB fanfictions to read this one. It is a completely separate work.

In this story, I will be delving into the history of the Books of Beginning and expanding upon the characters that we so love and adore. We know that Dr. Pym wrote the Chronicle but we do not know about the transcribers of the Atlas and Reckoning, so I will be elaborating upon that and upon the worldbuilding and history of TBOB. I own none of what comes from canon, the original story, and the canon characters, that all belongs to the wonderful John Stephens. However I do own my original plot content and any original characters that I introduce. To put this simply; don't use what belongs to me without permission.

This story will include potentially mature or triggering subjects, including but not limited to gore and violence, typically of a fantasy nature, dark romance, manipulation, eldritch horrors/magic, trauma and mental health issues, and opinions that may not reflect the author's own. If you are uncomfortable with any of this, please, do what is best for yourself and only read this story if you are okay with the content. You are responsible for knowing your limits. Furthermore, this story will also include romance between Kate and Rafe, and romance between Michael and Wilamena. Finally, if you're homophobic then you can fuck off because a) there will probably be lgbtq+ characters in this, and b) all homophobes need to get the fuck out of my life asap, I have no tolerance for that shit.

I'll try to update regularly, but I do have school and a job, and time to spend with my family, as well as many other stories that I am currently working on. If you could cut me a little slack and refrain from harassing me to update, that would be ideal. In addition, be kind to one another. I get that not everyone will have the same opinions, but I don't want people being rude on my story. Fortunately, this fandom is a very small but very supportive one, so I'm not too worried about that.

I hope you're excited about this story. I definitely am. Please leave me lots of comments, I love to receive them, and if you want to vote on chapters, well, I appreciate that too. It's twofold, why I write these stories - one reason is because I love to write these characters and this plot, but the other reason is because of this wonderful community centered around an equally wonderful series.

Last but never least, I'd like to dedicate this story to @_whxt_A_trxgedy_who encouraged me to make this, who always dazzles me with her fantastic TBOB fanfiction, who has been one of my biggest supporters, and who I am proud to call a friend. Kenzie, you're a gem of a human being, you're funny and a great writer, and I love you for it. This one's for you.

Enjoy the story!

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