Sweet & Sour Wolf

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"Shut up Scott!!" Derek listened as one of his favorite sounds rang out and that was Stiles's laugh before Stiles spoke.

"I'll think about it. I promise. Just...let me think about it. Ok?"

Derek melted at Stiles's words, but he decided to change what his text to Stiles was going to say and he abandoned the rest of his food. He dumped the tray and walked out of the cafeteria as he sent the text, "Hey love. I don't have classes the rest of the afternoon." Stiles didn't reply right away but when he did Derek chuckled at the reply.

"So that means you're going to come give me lots of kisses right? I can totally fake being sick and come home early." Derek smiled as he headed out to his car, getting in and starting it before replying.

"No Stiles. You're going to attend your classes like the responsible adult you keep assuring me you are. I'm going to run some errands and I was actually wondering if Scott would let you stay with him tonight?" Derek put his phone in the cupholder and drove away leaving the campus and heading into the city. Only after parking and turning off his car did he check his phone, discovering a string of texts from his boyfriend.

"I am a responsible adult!!"
"Wait, why would I have to stay with Scott. I mean he wouldn't mind but why Der?"
"Derek? Did I do something wrong?"
"I have class now, but I'll check my phone after."

Derek's heart twinged with guilt, but he was determined that this Valentine's Day would be the best Stiles had ever had. Sourwolf would be Sweetwolf and everything in between. He had to also make sure to remember where to get the sweet and sour sauce Stiles loved so much.

Derek had formulated a plan and gathered everything he would need to carry it out. When he got back to their house, he was quick to call Scott whom he knew wouldn't be with Stiles right now. Scott answered on the first ring, "Dude you are in deep shit." Derek sighed and even though Scott couldn't see it he nodded.

"I know. I probably could've worded things better but I'm trying to surprise Stiles with something for Valentine's Day." Scott was dead silent for long enough that Derek was worried that Scott had hung up on him but then Scott was shouting in excitement.

"You are going to treat him for Valentine's Day?! Holy shit Derek! Wait what's the occa-...I mean obviously I know what the occasion is but you're not someone who is really into this kind of thing." Derek felt his heart hurt a bit and he admitted to Scott.

"Well see I am someone who doesn't realize that those kinds of things can mean just as much as saying how much I love him or the kisses we exchange. I know how much of a romantic he is, but I guess I didn't realize how much until I...overheard you all talking today in the cafeteria." Scott gaped before replying.

"Derek Hale you horrible eavesdropper. You know that's so not cool. What if we were talking about sex or something?" Derek snorted.

"Well I guess it's a good thing you weren't. You just suggested it. Anyways, I need your help. Can you please convince him to stay with you tonight? Tomorrow is Saturday and I want to make sure everything is perfect." Scott snorted before replying.

"You realize he's going to play detective and will probably figure it out? That or he won't rest until he knows what you're up to. Especially since this isn't like you and if he was anyone else, I know what he would assume but he knows that would never happen." Derek tensed before asking.

"Wait. What would most people think?" Scott scoffed but his voice was softer.

"Most people would assume you were having someone else over, but I know that would never happen. Stiles looks at you like you're the sun the world revolves around, and you look at Stiles like he's the moon that brings out the fluff wolf in you." Derek's eyebrows lowered even though his cheeks flushed.

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