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Ayyy I'm back,short chapter tho but I have a reward incoming😇

They went back to the front and cuddled.
Quackity:"hey um...so like before you said something...like when you left"
Karl:"hm? Wdym"
He said stuffing popcorn in his mouth.
Quackity:"you said...'I love you'"
Karl stopped eating and gulped.
Karl:"well yeah,that doesn't surprise me I say that to everyone"
He said nonchalantly.
Quackity:"yeah but..yk"
Karl:"what is it?"

Quackity:"like I wouldn't be mad at you yk like if you meant it.."
Karl:"well good because I did mean it,I think I lover everyone I know....I love Sapnap and George...and that sketchy music teacher,I think I care about most of the people in my life,so I love them,
especially you"
Quackity:"especially me?"
Karl:"well yeah I spend most of my time with you so"
Quackity smiled.

Quackity:"so...it's more of a platonic thing?"
Karl:"well yeah....i mean when it comes to you it's obviously not very platonic but yk"
Quackity:"yeah :)"
They spent the rest of the night watching the movie In peace,after it ended Quackity drove home and carried Karl who was already asleep inside.he put him in his bed and they fell asleep in each other's arms.

Time skip(morning)

Quackity woke up with Karl still sleeping in his arms,he noticed him and like 10 other people were still at the movie theater.he cleans up his car and went to the drivers seat.as he was getting ready to drive the security guy came to his car with a flashlight,he probably had to wake everyone up to leave.
He shined the flashlight in his eyes making him squint.he rolled his window down.

𝙷𝚒𝚐𝚑 𝚜𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚕 𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚜 // karlityWhere stories live. Discover now