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They got their food,before the waiter left Quackity stood up and klingend on his water filled champagne glass.

Quackity:"I have an announcement!"
He "announced".the people looked at him even tho there were only like 6.
Karl:"Quackity! What the hell are you doing?!" He whispered.
Quackity got down on one knee and pulled out a ring.

Karl was screaming,WHAT IS HAPPENING?
Quackity:"Karl Jacobs...will you marry me?"
Everyone cheered,Karl blushed.
He said nervously,people cheered even more,Quackity got up and hugged Karl who was still confused.

He sat back down and the waiter left.
Karl:"um....why did you propose to me....
Are we getting married??"
Quackity:"no no no-"
Karl:"then why would you do that?!"
The waiter came to their table with a white cake.

Quackity:"thank you so much"
The waiter left again.
Quackity:"for this"
He said before digging into the cake.
Karl shrugged,it impressed him,how could someone be so confident.he took a spoon and started eating the cake to.

Karl:"your smart"
Quackity:"yeah I know"
Karl:"do you do this every time you go here? With like...girls"
He said trying not to sound obvious.
Quackity:"Um no,I just thought you'd maybe like it"
Karl nodded,when they finished their food they paid and left.

Karl:"where do we go now?"
Quackity:"umm...do you maybe wanna go back to my place,we could watch a movie or something"
Karl:"sure!" He blushed.
They drove to Quackitys place and went inside.
Karl:"you have a nice place!"
He said looking around.
Quackity:"thanks Karl,sit!"

He said as he took Karl's jacket and hung it up,he joined Karl on the couch and they started talking about what movie to watch.
Quackity:"what movie?"
Karl:"hmm ratatouille!!"
Quackity:"why?" He scoffed.
Karl:"because it's the best movie E-V-RR"
He laughed.
Quackity:"right um okay,ratatouille it is!"

𝙷𝚒𝚐𝚑 𝚜𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚕 𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚜 // karlityWhere stories live. Discover now