Chapter Six

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It took some effort on Rose's part to convince Mrs Daniels to spare her housekeeper for a few hours.

'It's a new treatment of the Doctor's,' she explained, straining her brain to come up with something that sounded the least bit convincing. 'He calls it the, er, House Method. If we can find out if anyone else has the same illness as the children, he might be able to figure out what it is and how to treat it.'

'I understand that,' Mrs Daniels sniffed. 'But why do you need my housekeeper to carry it out? Isn't that what you're trained to do, as his nurse?'

'Well, yeah, but usually he's the one doing the footwork, cos he knows what he's looking for,' Rose explained. 'But he needs to stay with the k – children. So that they don't get worse. And you need to be here, of course – but you can probably spare your housekeeper. I mean, it's not like she's doing much around here anyhow, with all your stuff packed and all.'

'Really, ma'am, it's no trouble,' the housekeeper piped up. 'If it'll help the young ones, of course – and it would be uncharitable to send the poor girl out on her own, in this town. Oh, to have that on my conscience...'

'Very well,' Mrs Daniels allowed. 'Do what you can. But I shall expect you to make up your duties upon returning to the house, Mrs Oswald.'

'Yes, ma'am,' the young woman curtseyed.

Mrs Daniels swanned off and Rose made a face.

'Bit of a driver, isn't she?' Rose remarked quietly. 'Her kids are sick and she can still worry about the laundry being done?'

'I don't mind, if it gives her something to focus on,' the housekeeper answered with a sad smile. 'She's been out of sorts since Mr Daniels decided they should move, and now this...'

'I guess,' Rose allowed cautiously.

As they were leaving the house, a carriage pulled up to the door, and a harried looking man in a suit stepped out.

'Mr Daniels!' Mrs Oswald gasped. 'We weren't expecting you until Sunday evening!'

'I came as soon as the telegram reached me,' the man said, his moustache bristling. 'Is Grace faring any better?' His gaze fell upon Rose. 'And who is this? Where are you going at such a time?'

'Sir, this is Nurse Tyler – she came with the doctor. He's sent us to run an errand while he works on the children –'

'Children?' Daniels repeated, horror dawning on his face. 'You mean?'

'Carolyn's ill too, sir – we discovered just this morning –'

But Daniels wasn't listening, already taking off through the door and up the stairs.

'Poor man,' Rose said.

'Should we go back in with him?'

'Wouldn't do much for him – we're more likely to be helpful if we do like the Doctor says.'

'I suppose,' Mrs Oswald sighed. 'Oh, it makes my heart hurt to think of what'll happen if the girls don't get better. Well, then, come on along Miss Tyler –'

'Oh, call me Rose. We're gonna be stomping around Southampton together, it's less of a mouthful.'

'Then you'll call me Clara,' the housekeeper said decisively. 'Everyone else does, too, even her would-be-ladyship – she only drags out the "missus" part when there's company about.'

Part of that whole class and breeding thing, I guess, Rose thought. Out loud, she asked, 'So where to, first? I don't know my way around here.'

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