Chapter 1: A New World

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Yagi turned to his left, to see three young men, one wielding a spear, sword, and bow. As he suspected, hen was wielding a shield. This sounds like that book he read in the mysterious library. He thinks can't be a coincidence.

"What do you mean it's in need of saving?" Asked the light brown-haired teen with golden eyes.

"The story behind it all is long and complicated, but suffice it to say that you are the four cardinal heroes, and you were summoned here using an ancient ritual." Replied one of the figures.

"Our world is in a most fragile state and teeters on the brink of destruction. So we beg you, oh brave heroes, please lend us your aid." Pleaded another figure, tilting his upper body downwards, along with the other four figures behind him.

"Forget it." Replied the black-haired teen with blue eyes.

"I also refuse." Spoke the golden-eyed teen.

"You can send us back to our homeworld right?" Asked the blonde-haired teen with orange eyes. "Do that and maybe we'll talk."

"You brought the four of us here without our consent." Protested the blue-eyed teen, raising his sword. "Do you even feel the least bit guilty about it?"

"Not to mention, if you throw us out as soon as we restore peace, we have done all that work for nothing." Added the golden-eyed teen.

"How willing are you to accommodate our requests?" Asked the orange-eyed teen. "Depending on your answer, we may end up as your enemies instead of your allies."

"Good sirs, before I say any more, we'd like you to have an audience with the King of Melromarc." Replied the male figure. "You can negotiate your rewards with him directly, so please."

"Alright, fine." Said the blue-eyed teen, lowering his sword.

"I suppose we'll consider their offer." Said the golden-eyed teen.

"Sure, doesn't matter who we talk to, our demands won't change." Said the orange-eyed teen.

Yagi and the other three followed one of the presumed summoners to a set of spiraled stairs.

"Wow look, this is another world, huh." Said the golden-eyed teen.

"Sure is." Said the orange-eyed teen.

"Judging by the breeze, I'd say this place has a fairly standard Mediterranean climate." Said the blue-eyed teen.

"No doubt about it, this is another world. And recalling what the book said, we'll be fighting off the 'Waves of Calamity'." Yagi thought.

Yagi and the other heroes arrived at the king's throne, hearing out what he had to say.

"So, you young men are the four cardinal heroes of ancient legend. This is the land of Melromarc, and I am their king, Aultcray Melromarc the thirty-second." The king said, presenting himself. "Welcome, brave heroes. Please identify yourselves."

"Ren Amaki, I'm a high school student and I'm 16 years old." Said the blue-eyed teen.

"Motoyasu Kitamura, college student, 21." Said the orange-eyed teen.

"I suppose I'm up next, Itsuki Kawatsumi, still in high school, and I'm 17." Said the gold-eyed teen.

"Yagi Toshinori, high school teacher, I'm 31." Yagi said.

The king was about to ignore Yagi if it wasn't for his particularly strong physique and abyssal-like eyes with blue irises, along with his booming voice. The king snapped out of his daze and continued.

"Now then, I suppose I need to explain why we brought you here. My beloved country of Melromarc and the entire world surrounding it are heading down a path to certain ruin." He paused to let them digest what he just said.

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