chapter 12

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I ran out of ideas lol 😆

We just got to the changing room and all the players had left as well as the coach. You searched from Jake and found him on the bench with sweat on his forehead, his clothes sticking to his body and a towel wrapped around his neck.

Y/n: Jake?
Jake: y/nie I'm tired

Jake pouts while you just giggle and walk over to him. You use a towel and wipe away his sweat. Jake was watching your every move and his eyes locked onto your lips.

Y/n: why are you licking your lips?
Jake: no reason

You carried on wiping off his sweat and his eyes starting traveling down your body... then back up... he smirked

Y/n: what now?

He ...kissed you...

You were shocked, your mind blank as you felt the heat rush to your cheeks.

Soon after you kissed back and he started to smirk in the kiss...

~after yk calmed down 🤪~

Jake: so are we official?
Y/n: mmm maybe who knows
Jake: Ig as we are here I should say the others also like you...
Y/n: they do?
Jake: mhm

Y/n 💭: so we going to play the waiting game? Hm okay... I should make my moves!

Y/n: we should get going the boys will get clingy if we're gone too long
Jake: okay let's go

Sorry it's a short one but um I'm struggling for ideas 👉👈 alright hoped you enjoyed the um 😐 thing? Byessss

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