"Moore, you gotta let that hurt go.... that shyt happened in tech school, we weren't friends... I was hanging with the niggas and you were with the Aeropostale crew, that girl she wanted me... I fucked her, then she moved on to the next dude in the crew... It's not my fault you fell in love with a hoe.... A hoe, mind you that you barely knew." Donovan said sitting down next to me. The dude Moore got up and walked off in a huff, honestly, it was more like he pranced off. "He's going to go cry in his dorm." Donovan said pulling out a Black & Mild as the rest of them slowly started to peel off until it was just me and Sherrod left.

"I probably could've handled that differently but I don't like that soft shyt, if you don't like someone and feel like they're a bitch ass nigga, don't act like they're your best friend when you see them." I said shrugging. "Speaking of bitch ass niggas, where's your friend at? I noticed his car is gone and you probably know where he went." I said referring to Sherrod, Donovan looked at me and started laughing.

"This y'all first argument as a couple, I should've known he was heated when I rode past the track and saw him doing laps, he usually does that when he's pissed.... or horny.... or bored.... then again it could be any number of reasons why he's running but I'm going to guess it's because y'all have been arguing." Donovan said still laughing.

"We haven't been arguing, your friend is just annoying as fuck." I said trying to contain my anger. Thankfully I didn't have to deal with Donovan's questioning looks for too long because Emmanuel and Noel walked out of one door while Xavien walked out of the other, they all made their way over to the smokepit and I was grateful for the distraction.

"I fuckin hate it here... if it wasn't for the fact that I'm not trying to fuck up my plans for when I get out here I would've been rolled up a blunt." Noel complained and I was surprised because he usually seemed like he was going to be in for the full twenty.

"Uhh you good?" I asked, even though I still wasn't entirely sure how I felt about Noel just yet, I could see he was stressing about something and he was one of Sherrod's friends so he was going to be around so I might as well be cordial.

"I'm just tired of these damn racists, I'm telling these dudes got one more time, and I..... BRUH WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU LOOKIN AT!!??!?!?!?!?" Noel said as Busey and Withers walked out of the dorms with some fishing pools. "I'm telling you now Busey you touch my shyt again I'm beating your ass." Noel said and to his credit or detriment, Busey started laughing.

"I'm gonna be honest, y'all Air Force niggas are soft... his ass would've been dragged into one of these empty rooms and got the fuck beat out of him if he was in the Marines." Xavien said pulling out a Mild of his own.

"From what I've witnessed in my short time in the military, The Marines and the Army are running neck and neck in terms of the most racist...." I said Xavien smiled.

"True but if we get into a fight it's not a big deal, while Air Force niggas get in trouble for the smallest shyt.... I'm just saying since I've been here he's tried all of y'all and the most y'all have done is thrown on some damn boxing gloves when y'all should've gone barehand... Notice he doesn't even come around when he sees me sitting with y'all because he already knows I'm not the one to fuck with." Xavien said.

"He's a bitch and he's not worth the trouble.... though it will be interesting to see how he reacts when he finds out that Siva was dicking down his sister." Donovan said and I couldn't help but laugh because when that shyt finally came out, I was just going to sit back and enjoy the show. "When is she supposed to be getting here?" Donovan asked.

"A couple of days... which reminds me I need to go grab a couple of things; condoms, handcuff, throat spray, it's a couple more things she told me she's willing to try... I plan on slutting her out. Kelz you gonna let me use your room, I want Busey to hear me fuckin his sister." Emmanuel said.

"I think the fuck not... you better fuck her on the air hockey table or in the dayroom." I said, I barely let my brothers sit on my bed back home, I refuse to let someone fuck in my bed other than me. "So I guess we won't be seeing you during the next break?" I asked Emmanuel.

"When is y'alls next break?" Xavien asked. "I'm just saying I'm trying to get the fuck up outta here for a few days and y'all are the ones who are usually down for whatever." He said and I looked at Donovan because it was either him or Sherrod who came up with plans.

"Speaking of Sherrod...." Donovan said laughing as Sherrod came speeding through the parking lot in his Mustang. I rolled my eyes as he got out, he threw up two fingers but kept walking and my eyes followed him the entire time; I thought he was going up to his floor but he walked into the second floor, then turned and looked at me. "You better get your ass up there." Donovan said laughing, who had been watching as well.... Sherrod stood there watching and waiting if he thought I was going to go up there he had me and life fucked up... The ONLY reason I got up is because I needed to get my charger and yes I walked to the other side of the dorms and went in through that door.

"Did you forget something?" I asked when I found Sherrod standing at my door, waiting for me... Sherrod didn't say a word he just stood there staring at me. "Oh so you're being childish and ignoring me... well the door was unlocked so you could've just grabbed what you forgot and left." I said opening the door and walking inside, Sherrod followed me in and I heard him lock the door behind us.

Sherrod didn't say a word, he just stood near my dresser as I grabbed my charger and as I tried to go back outside he blocked my path. I was really starting to get annoyed because the quickest way to piss me off was to give me the silent treatment and Sherrod was really trying me.... I tried to move around him but with every move I made he mirrored it and I was really about to go off on his ass until he smiled and despite my anger, I smiled back.

"Man move..." I said pushing him but he didn't budge. "Forreal, if you're not going to talk then I'm going back outside." I said pushing him again but I'll admit there wasn't much effort behind it. "Sherrod.... aight bruh you're playing." I said sitting on my bed and looking at him. "So you're just going to hold me, hostage, here?" I asked.

"Nah... but I do wanna apologize for our argument earlier." Sherrod said walking over to me, I loved/hated when a dude stood over me, it was like he was trying to assert his dominance, and sometimes I liked when my dude took control.

"Well go ahead and apologize... because we both know you were the one who was in the wrong." I said still unwilling to admit my part in the argument. Sherrod looked slightly annoyed but realized it wasn't worth it, I'm glad to see that he was learning.... instead of apologizing he pushed me back against the bed and pulled my dick out of my shorts. "What are you doing?" I asked as if I was completely clueless.

"The best apologies are the ones without words... relax." He said licking the head of my dick and sending an electric current throughout my body... if this was the way all our arguments were going to end, then I was just petty enough to start unnecessary arguments on a regular basis............................

****** QUESTIONS ******

1) What should be the next SIX stories I post; Anthology, Amor é Eterno, As Time Goes By 3, Brittany Hills Chronicles: Act 3, Brittany Hills Seattle, Demon's Revenge, Exiled Again, Hell On An Angel 3, The Kingpin's Sons, Their Bottom 2, or Zeltemi? PICK SIX!!!!!!

2) Who should get the next two chapters; Kevin, Donovan, Xavien, or Christian?

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