|A Maid's Dedication|

Beginne am Anfang

Belfast doesn't seem to have taken the Commander's words very well, as her usual gentle expression changes into one of annoyance and disappointment.

"Is that so? Is your work more important than your sleep schedule and health, Master?" (Belfast)

"I mean..." (Y/N)

Y/N remains in silence for a brief moment, thinking the correct words to not screw this whole situation.

"Yeah?" (Y/N)

Y/N shrugged his shoulders as the answer was quite obvious considering his duty as the Commander.

The Maid didn't answer back and let out an exhausted sigh at such a response she got.

The Commander thought he won the little argument against his personal maid, but out of nowhere, she got closer enough to where he was sitting and suddenly grabbed Y/N by the necktie to forcefully make him stand up from the desk seat.

"Belfast!?" (Y/N)

"If you won't cooperate the good way, then we shall do it the hard way for your own sake, Master" (Belfast)

"What do you mean?" (Y/N)

"I'll guide you to your bedroom so you can properly sleep as it should be" (Belfast)

"But I was almost finis-" (Y/N)

"I won't hear excuses, Master, this is for your own health, and as your maid, I'm in charge of making sure it's accomplished" (Belfast)

With that being said, Belfast literally dragged the Commander out of his office by his necktie the whole time until they arrived in his bedroom for him to sleep properly as it should be.


|Belfast's Duty|


|Commander's Bedroom|

Monday 9 A.M

The entire room is dark and not even the slightest tray of sunlight can enter through the closed curtains and windows.

The Commander overslept once again for working until too late, he would usually be already awake at this hour, but his bed felt much more cozy and warm than the cold weather outside.

As such, he didn't even bother to wake up on time, however... To his bad luck, Belfast is usually the one in charge of waking him up whenever something like this happens.

The sudden silence of the room is cut off by the sound of a gentle knock on the door that clearly wasn't going to be answered since Y/N was still deep sleeping.

After not getting a response, the door was finally opened by Belfast who entered right into the dark bedroom with light and silent steps, she didn't have much trouble moving around to open the closed windows and curtains to illuminate a big part of the place with some bright sunlight.

The Maid expected that this would be able to make the Commander wake up, but to her surprise, he was still asleep as if nothing happened.

She carefully approached next to the bed, observing now the sleepy Y/N peacefully sleeping like a baby, despite Belfast's strict instructions for the Commander to not work so late, he still found a way or another to finish his daily work by sacrificing part of his sleep schedule.

Even so, the Maid couldn't be mad at him at all, no, she'd been serving for so long time to her master that it was difficult to not say impossible for Belfast to get angry despite Y/N's unhealthy routine.

The Daily Life Of The Commander |Azur Lane One-Shots|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt