Chapter 46 K.O

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*Bakugou POV*

Nanami looked nothing like herself anymore.

The only good thing seemed to be her wounds were pretty much completely healed by now, but somehow she still seemed on the brink of death with her ragged breathing, pupils fully dilated, her entire body trembled the way it does when muscles are pushed past their limits.

"Kachan we have to go right now. We need to head up." Deku approached me, but before he could lay a finger on me I met his gaze and conveyed my message to not take another step towards me or say another word.

I focused my attention on Nanami again. Her electrical shield fading with every passing second.

"Bakugou!" Aizawa demanded my attention "If she hurts anyone of us, do you know what that would do to her!?" he focused his angry red eyes at me.

It would destroy her. I thought.

"She would believe she is the monster she fears herself to be!" He snapped.

I know he is right, but.

"We cant just leave her" I shook my head. "I wont" I promised.

I looked back at Nanami. She looked around the room in a frenzy as if she was looking for an exit that wasn't the one that lead directly to us.

Her hands pressed her temples as she struggled to hold on to herself and her mind.

And just like that, the electrical bubble Nanami had encapsulated herself in, collapsed; her arms falling slack at her sides.

We all froze for what seemed like an eternity with held breaths and eyes locked on Nanami, stuck between flight or fight.

She is standing to her full height now. breathing heavily. chest rising and falling.

Every few steps she seems to shake her head.

"Back up slowly" Aizawa whispered.

"Aaaahhhhh" Nanami roared in desperation.

"I can handle this by myself." I decided. "You guys keep working on an exit or on finding the others."

"Now I don't have to hold back against her" I bluffed, cracking my knuckles to hide my nerves.

"This is not the same!" Deku argued. His eyes glancing at Nanami to see if she had gotten any closer. "That isn't Nanami anymore."

Raged erupted from me as I turned my attention on Deku. "She is STILL in there."

Seeming to rethink his words, Deku continued. "You're right, but she is doing her best to buy us time! We don't know how much longer she will be able to control it! Our best bet is to escape for now!"

I turn my back to him, deciding the conversation was over when I feel him lay his hand on my shoulder.

In one swift motion and with all my strength I turn and burry my fist in his face.

Deku stumbles back. Hands going directly to his nose.

"THATS EXACTLY WHY I CAN'T-" My voice catches suddenly with the swell of emotions. "I need to show her!" My voice practically a whisper.

Deku now recovering himself as blood trickled down his nose.

"Show her what!?" Jiro demands with wide eyes and a fist pulled close to her chest.

"That she is safe with me!" I barked.

They don't get it. Running away from her would end up hurting her just as bad as if she harmed us. She wont be able to trust her self around us or anyone. She will expect the best option, the only option really is for her to push everyone away.

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