Chapter 37 Rational Deception

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Nanami POV

At the conclusion of the meeting only Aizawa, Shinsou and I remained in the conference room.

"Mr. Aizawa" I hesitated. "About the girl"

Mr. Aizawa lifted his palm.

"I will let you know if we find out anything new. what you told us today was extremely helpful I promise, but right now you need to focus on this"

He hands me my new hero course schedule.

I brush of strand of hair behind my ear as I give the schedule a quick glance.

"Right" I nod.

"Now let me show you to your dorms" Aizawa mumbled sleepily.

A short walk on the opposite side of the building was the entrance to our dorms.

"Welcome to Heights Alliance" Aizawa introduced.

"The building is Divided into the A wing and B wing from here" he continued.

"A wing for 2-A students, B wing for 2-B students" he explained.

"Easy enough" Shinsou winked at me with a playful smirk. The heat that rose in my cheeks surprised me.

Chuckling, I drop my chin to hide my blush.

"Nanami, you'll be in class 2-A. Shinsou, your in 2-B" Aizawa informed.

Shinsou and I furrowed our brows as we stop.

Aizawa notices, looks over his shoulder and groans.

"Enough with the pouting" he rolled his eyes.

"Based on your skills and experiences I thought these were the best classes for each of you"

"Shinsou, Id like to continue to be you're mentor and have you intern with me, how About you?" Aizawa asked.

Shinsou almost stumbled over "Of course!" He replied with urgency.

"Then I think Vlad and his students can give you a Different perspective than mine; which in turn will be beneficial to your overall training" Aizawa explained.

"And Nanami" Aizawa continued.

"You have been through a lot and believe it or not 2A has been right there with you from the start, they have had their fair share of encounters with the league. You can learn a lot from them and I have a feeling they can learn a lot from you as well"

"Now" Aizawas tone changed. "just because you've made it into the Hero Course, doesnt mean you'll stay there."

We wait for Aizawa to explain.

"If you cant keep up" he looked back and fourth between Shinsou and I.

"you will be sent home"

No. I told myself. Not after all I've been through.

I peek up at Shinsou and realize Aizawas words only seem to light a fire within him.

He's worked hard to be here. I smile, feeling oddly proud of my partner.

"Alright, follow me" Aizawa proceeded towards the A-Wing. "We'll drop Nanami off first then head to the B-Wing.

Panic explodes in my chest and suddenly, I wanted to pull the brakes on this whole operation.

Their words replayed in my head.

Lost Girl (Bakugou X Reader )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt