Chapter 34: The Witch's Advocate

Start from the beginning

Patricia holds my attention as she recounts Tituba's story during the witch trials. She reveals Tituba disappeared after the trials but lingered in magical spaces. She details her journeys, meeting such notable figures as Marie Laveau.

Patricia hesitates before confessing to have met her long ago and I can no longer hold my questions.

"You're telling me she lived for hundreds of years?" I ask.

"Lives, Perry. She has lived for hundreds of years." Patricia says. "She watches and waits, guiding her descendants. Or she used to. I fear she has become a more malevolent force."

"Her descendants? Are you telling me we are descendants of Tituba?"

"I'm telling you that Tituba lingers in many ways."

My mind has been sliding pieces together since she mentioned Tituba. The realization Tituba has been around for hundreds of years, and still is, baffles me. Patricia is telling me without telling me that Tituba is around and she is up to no good.

"It was Tituba and her adopted son who destroyed the Domus. We do not discuss it. You Aunt Persephone died following their lead as they attempted to cast a very dangerous spell." Patricia says. "Tituba was once a normal woman, but the effects of being beaten and imprisoned affected her greatly. She became vengeful. Some say that what is left is not truly her, but a fragment of her former self. A powerful fragment, nonetheless."

"Aunt Persephone? You guys never talk about her. You said she joined Tituba in casting the spell? What spell did they attempt?"

"We don't speak of it. Just know that Tituba is, above all, a manipulator. She preys on your desires, makes you believe things you would otherwise believe impossible. And she takes what she wants. If you're lucky, you get what she promised. If not, you meet the fate of many who came before you." Patricia says.

"Why hasn't anyone told us about this? Didn't we deserve to know all of this?" I ask.

"Old wounds. Your parents were afraid of what it would mean that you and your brother were the first males born into our family in centuries. But I knew." Patricia says. "Even still, your parents suspected Porter, but you have always had a spark. The Zion, or Gatekeeper, will be the light in the midst of the darkness. Baby, when your light shines so bright and so far, it will attract everything that has lived in the darkness."

Her words sink into my skin as the last six months of my life replay in my head. The vampires, werewolves, and demons have been drawn to me since the moment my powers erupted to life. It will never end.

"The darkness will seek you out, Perry, and you need to be able to protect yourself. You need to unleash your powers." Patricia says as she slides something in my hand.

I look down at my hand to see a small crystal. The amulet around my neck tingles against my skin. The crystal does not shine or flicker, but I feel energy draw from the crystal.

The world falls away to blackness before the feeling of being weightless invades my being. A thick haze obscures the world around me as it brings forth a feeling of being lost in pure night.

The idea of being lost in the darkness is freeing.

The world around me shimmers into life as I find myself moving past trees in the forest. My being stops in front of the Domus Cecidit.

A low growl comes from a row of bushes a couple of feet away. Though my body is absent, I can feel my feet against the ground. I reach out to the bush to touch whatever is beyond. I feel a closeness to the beast waiting in the bush.

A cold, pale hand reaches out from beside me. I look to the hand to see Lucas standing beside me. His skin is absent of any sign of life and I can feel energy draining from me. A growl catches my attention again as Lucas backs away from the bush.

Out of habit, I take steps backwards as a pair of humungous claws pop out of the bush followed by another. A large reddish canine figure raises from the brush, sending my being into shock.

Turning to run, I find myself face-to-face with the half-destroyed door of the Domus. I turn to run in the opposite direction but find Finn standing a few feet away, dressed in all white. I can hardly determine where his clothes end and where his glowing skin begins.

Finn tilts his head, staring at me with amazement. "Even a candle casts a shadow."


"The answers will always be here, in this sacred place, when you need them." A faint voice says behind me.

Trying to see the owner of the voice, I turn to the Domus. Through the destroyed front door, I watch as Charlotte is cornered by Nora in the school gymnasium.

Nora advances upon her and I can feel Charlotte's fear as she attempts to cry out. Nora places her hand over Charlotte's mouth before grabbing her neck.

I cry out as the world around me is distorted. A gasp brings me back into the real world. Patricia is staring at me, her eyes examining the space around me. I feel my strength return as my mind processes what I just saw.

Porter and Penny run around the corner, asking what happened. I reach down and grab the dagger from my bag, slipping it into the holster around my leg.

No words escape my lips as I push myself off the sofa and race to the door. My feet move faster than they ever have before.

They do not have a choice.

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