C21: What Is Going On?

Start from the beginning

" Eight. " Anais corrected, flipping another page.

" Ana... " Rachel sighed. " I don't think it's good for you to eat so much of it. "

" Why not? It's better than Dick's healthy recipes. Plus, it's the only thing my stomach can handle in the morning without pushing it back the way it went. "

Rachel frowned, concerned, and sat down beside her. Knowing that her sister wouldn't go away anytime soon, Anais sighed and put her book down.

" Since when have you been sick in the morning? " Rachel asked her, taking her hand in hers.

Anais shrugged.

" A few days. " She answered. " It's been a while since I felt this shitty every time, I eat something. " Sighing, she stood up and went to her wardrobe. " Training is in 10 minutes, right? " She asked rhetorically.

Seeing that the white girl wouldn't continue the subject, Rachel stood up and waited for her in the hallway. It didn't take long before her little sister, dressed in sport clothes, joined her. Smiling to each other, they both made their way to the training room, where Jason and Garfield were already fighting themselves.

Seeing the boys' bodies move swiftly on the practice mat made the little girl want to run back to her bedroom. She really didn't want to fight today; she was way too sleepy for it.

Smiling at the boys when they finished their little spar, she slowly walked to them and handed them their water bottles.

" I don't think I can train today. " She stated mostly to Jason without looking at him. " I don't feel so well... "

Jason quickly drank another gulp of water before looking at the sickly-looking young girl. Analyzing her briefly, he noticed that her eyes were red and swollen, she had bags under her dark eyes, and her skin was whiter then usual. Usually, he would encourage her to force herself but, today, he decided to let it slide.

" Sure. " He simply answered, giving the bottle back.

Taking the boys' bottles, Anais smiled softly, looking at the floor.

At least I will be able to go back to sleep...

" But you'll have to stay here to watch and analyze our fights. You might not fight yourself but having feedback after each fight could be helpful. " He explained, coldly.

Anais sighed, but nodded, nonetheless. It was to be expected, Jason was as strict as Dick on their training regiment. Maybe that was why Jason had been a role model in fighting...

Jason fetched their wooden weapons and blindfolds. Garfield walked over Anais and gave her a small blow on her shoulder, trying to reassure her. It worked for a moment as she smiled looking at Garfield's goofy expressions.

He would be good with kids... She couldn't help thinking to herself.

Her guts twisted awkwardly. The white-haired girl sighed and sat on one of the room's benches. She stayed silent as she watched the other teenagers prep themselves. They tied their blindfolds on and drew their weapons out, each prepared to attack the other.

To make the spar fairer, Rachel and Garfield had been paired up against Jason, who was accustomed to fighting in the dark. Everyone in position, Anais clapped her hands together, signaling to the others the start of their fight.

Jason, as expected, was doing pretty well for himself. He was able to attack, block and dodge most of the attack the couple threw at him. As for Rachel and Garfield, they were improving every day. They had learned to trust their senses and each other to attack simultaneously. That was a big improvement from the first times they had to fight paired up, they always ended up hitting the other thinking it was Jason or her.

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