𝘧𝘪𝘧𝘵𝘺 𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵. 五十八 ✩࿐

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walking back over to felix, changbin sighed. he thought that his first time meeting felix would've gone a lot smoother—obviously there being some slight awkwardness; didn't think anyone was going to be concussing themselves.

"ok felix, chan will be here soon, just hang tight"

"nah yeah, mate"

sensing that the situation might be a little on the serious side of the things, jisung dragged himself out from the car and headed over to felix.

"sunshine! what's happened to you?"

"oh my god, you speak korean and you know felix!? thank the heavens"

"ah, sure. i'm kind of his best friend"

"oh shit- jisung right?"

"how the fuck-"

"its me, changbin"


"i hope so? but wait, you speak english too?"


"jisung, please, why the fuck weren't you here earlier, felix has concussed himself and has forgotten all korean"

"felix, for fuck sakes, why are you like this"

"sungie, if i knew, i'd tell you...alas i don't"

"well your kinda freaking your boyfriend out over here"

"you mean to tell me, that guy, fucking hercules, is my boyfriend"

"not officially, but yes"

"dang...i'm so lucky, do you think if i asked him to put me into a headlock, he would?"

"maybe in time, we can ask him, but right now you're concussed and i don't feel like discussing your kinks with you"

"and look at those hands, fuck me mate"

"felix, please"

"don't even get me started on those thighs"

"and you're ignoring me"

it was safe to say this carried on for quite sometime whilst changbin sat nearby freaking the fuck out. this is not how he expected to meet felix for the first time, but if he was completely honest, he was not surprised this is how things turned out.

not long after jisung decided to find himself useful, chan showed up, covered in sweat as if he had just been playing 5 games on uno, and losing every single one. nonetheless, chan was relieved to of found felix seemingly ok, minus the fact he had forgotten how to speak korean.

as he, jisung and the patient conversed about inflation and climate change, changbin was forced to wallow in sadness as he could not join in: he really should've payed more attention in english—it wasn't his fault though, his teacher was shit and decided to talk more about sport than how to say: "felix, for fuck sakes, why can't you read door signs?"

at the end of the day, the decided that they should probably send felix to get a check up at the hospital, make sure nothing is seriously wrong—there wasn't, thank god—before heading home to get plenty of rest.

𝘑𝘌 𝘕𝘌 𝘗𝘌𝘜𝘟 𝘗𝘈𝘚 𝘋𝘖𝘙𝘔𝘐𝘙 𝘓𝘈 𝘕𝘜𝘐𝘛, 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘹Where stories live. Discover now