Chapter 6

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Gar went to flip a switch. As soon as he did, the room came to life. The room quickly was filled with amazed and curious gazes. Minho looked at Newt who seemed to think the same thing, raced to the pinball machine that was in the corner.

"Anyone wanna pop? I got root beer, orange crush, grape crush?"

"Grape" all three girls said, making them all giggle. Madeleine tuned everyone and everything out when Gar handed her the bottle of purple soda.

"So if your parents are gone then who lives here?" Rachel asked right when Madeleine walked over to them.

"That is a complicated answer..." the green haired boy answered. Madeleine snorted and rolled her eyes.

"Gar?! Gar! Are you down there?!" They all looked up at the sudden voice. They turned their heads to Gar.

"Uh oh. That would be the complicated answer. Everyone needs to hide."

"Hide? From what?"

Newt grabbed Thomas' hand and turned them invisible. Minho grabbed Teresa while Teresa grabbed Harriet who grabbed Sonya and hid behind the bar. Gar pushed Rachel and Madeleine into the closet. Madeleine opened the closet and then closed it again when she stepped out.

"Wha- What are you doing?!" Gar whispered, his voice cracking a little bit.

Madeleine said nothing, she just waited until the robot man stormed down stairs. She used her powers to make his mind think she was an inanimate object before the man opened the door.

Gar sighed and put his headset on pretending to play video games.

"Gar! Gar where were you today?!" The Robot man said.

"Down here! DUH!" He replied with an eye roll. He turned back to the game that was on the screen. At this time Madeleine decided to make a show of herself. Gar groaned and hissed, "I told you to hide!"

"What is she doing here?! You shouldn't be here Maddie." All kids were confused by the shortened name for her.

Madeleine rolled her eyes and said, "Well technically I am still welcome here. I distinctly remember him making me move into the actual house with an actual room to make for the green tiger-boy then me running away. Chief still wanted me here though. I had heard about W.C.K.D. so I went to join them only to end up with six other teenagers my age, fourteen year old witch, and a meta-human who turns into animals."

"What?! There are more of you?!?!" He screamed, making everyone in the room flinch. Rachel screamed a little and Newt revealed him and Thomas. The man turned around and opened the closet doors revealing Rachel. "Where are the rest of you?" Minho, Teresa, Harriet, and Sonya revealed that they were behind the bar. "Alright everyone OUT!"

He grabbed Gar and Rachel and pulled them out the door and into the mansion's front door, the older teenagers in tow. Newt and Thomas sneaked away hearing music coming from down the hallway. They came up to a big door that led to a kitchen. Rachel went unnoticed as they all went into the kitchen. There was a guy wrapped in bandages who was dancing and singing along to a song. Rachel let out a laugh.

The man turned around. He eyed the three, and asked "who are you guys?"

Newt nervously chuckled and started to talk, "I am Newt-"

"Cool like the lizard fish thingy?!"

"Yeah sort of, I am Thomas." Thomas answered for him seeing as his boyfriend was paler than normal and way more nervous than he was just a few seconds ago.

"I am Rachel. What are you making that smells delicious!"

"Dinner! Are you guys hungry? It should be ready soon."

"No they aren't hungry, Larry." The four of them jumped and turned to look at the door.

"Oh but I am hungry." Rachel replies.

"She is hungry. How about we take a vote. All who want to stay and eat dinner." Everyone raised their hand except for the robot man. "Well then, it's decided! Gar and everyone else go help set the table, I assume the robo brain wants to yell at me a little bit."

"Whoa hold on, nothing has been decided." But it was too late all the kids were out of the room, following Gar and Madeleine.

"I'll be right back." Gar says not really directing it towards anyone.

"I'm coming with you." Madeleine says. They walk up the stairs and Gar knocks on a door. Madeleine knew it to be Rita Farr's.

"Hey it's Gar. I just wanted to ask if you were feeling alright?" He got no reply, "Well there are a few people I want you to meet. You don't have to come down if you don't feel like it. I can bring your food up."

Gar sighed and looked at Madeleine. He saw a look of sympathy. "Hey Rita? It's me Maddie. I am sorry for not telling you about everything. If you come out I can tell you the rest after dinner." They hear silence again.

"Come on, I think dinner is ready," Gar whispered. They walked down the stairs and into the dining room. They took their seats and started to plate their food.

Two Chapters?! WHAAAAAAATTTTT?! Anyways yeah I am working on the next chapter now so it might be a while. Also the chapter was longer than the rest of the chapters for a reason! but yeah let me know your thoughts! 

Love Eli!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2022 ⏰

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