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Today was gun training

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Today was gun training. To put it in a blunt way, Azure was shitting it. Yes she could aim a knife but a gun however was very different. The girl hadn't even held one before.

After grabbing an apple she made her way to the training room. With very unsteady legs.

"Follow me everyone we're going to the roof." four announced. Walking to the roof the initiatives pilled in. The burgundy haired girl making conversation with Al her new favourite person of the faction.

She didn't mind Tris, Will or Christina but she never felt like she could fully open up to them. It was mainly the fact that whenever she looked at Tris guilt almost swallowed her and when she looked at Christina all she saw was her death.

Eric had tried to speak to her but after what he did to Christina she couldn't bare the thought of talking to him. The girl hated the fact that Peter was remotely right but she didn't feel safe near Eric. She almost spoke to Eric just so that peter wouldn't think he got to her.

"Pick a gun." Four said then started to demonstrate the stance and how to aim. It all looked pretty easy but she knew not to judge too quickly.

Standing about 4 metres away from a target she copied fours stance. Picked up her gun and aimed, she shot the gun but flew back at the new feeling of the shots. She tripped on her feet and fell on her arse. Looking at the target she didn't even hit it. Great.

she heard two boys laugh beside her.

Half an hour went past and she had once hit the corner of the body shaped target. The whole time earning snarky comments from Peter and Edward from either side of her. Even though both boys were just joking with her myra had a fit and told edward not to pay attention to azure. She felt bad for the boy.

Once again she raised her gun, the same thing happening as many times before. She heard a sigh next to her as the boy quickly turned his head side to side to check four was occupied. Luckily a certain blonde was taking his focus.

"Your stance isn't right. Your feet are too close together, your back is too straight and your arms are as stiff as a board." It surprised Azure, he was trying to help her. She tried to fix her position like he said, though she shot again and it was no different.

"You really don't listen." Peter said with a huff. Placing his gun down he walked next to the shorter girl. Azure was a tall stature of a great big 5'6 while Peter was at least 6'3. To her he was dauntingly tall.

Using his foot he pushed out hers to where he felt they should be. His arms were about to correct her stance he muttered a quick "can I" before she slowly nodded. Pushing his hands on her shoulders he told her to relax, (which considering, she found quite hard) holding up her arms with his he held her hands over the gun. Shutting one eye he told her to aim and together they pulled the trigger.


"Holy fuck."

"Try again little flower." With that he turned his back and carried on shooting just in time for four to slowly make his rounds up and down again.

"Wow, well done blue. You actually hit the target."

"Oh shut up four."

"You may take this time to do as you please as long as it benefits your physical strength."

Running that's all she wanted to do. Eric was speaking, Four on the side looking bored. Eric glanced at her and she just looked away giving him a hard look.

Pulling up her hair into a high pony, she pulled up her black leggings and made sure her black sports bra was in place. Her shoelaces were double knotted so not tripping could happen. The girl got off the bench and broke into a run just like the first time she ran here.

She must have ran for at least 2 hours. She paced herself though, walking for five minutes every twenty, when she remembered. Something came over her as she came out of her daze and felt eyes on her, she looked over to the middle as everyone had stopped what they were doing and where looking at her.

"Is something wrong?"

"How are you still going? It's been nearly two hours." Myra had spoken, even though she never really did.

"Did a lot in amity is all."

No one said anything so Eric started. "Impressive. Now everyone your free. I would really suggest getting a good night sleep."

everyone in the hall gave the man an odd look to what he was saying. it was only 6 o'clock.

All she wanted was a warm shower to finish the day.

so she headed out the hall after everyone else. "blue, wait up." Eric had rushed to her side and placed a hand on her shoulder. azure quickly pulled back with a harsh gasp. her eyebrows furrowing at the man. Eric understood that she was definitely not pleased. "what's up with you recently, you look like someone's stung you up the ass."

"are you kidding me!" she couldn't help but let her voice go a few octaves higher. Eric's face held confusion and she realised he had no idea what he had done wrong. "you do not get to dangle my friend off a bridge then act like you've done nothing wrong." all Eric did was raise his eyebrows and when he opened his mouth to continue she quickly cut him off. "i know that half of dauntless is afraid of you so no one stands up to you but i'm not having it! you cannot be an asshole to everyone just because you feel like it. she could have died but you don't care. all you care about is you."

"come on love, it was just a joke." Eric went to reach out for the girl but she took a step back, astonished at his remarks and actions. Her mouth fell ajar and she was completely enraged.

"well it wasn't very funny." before he could react she made sure to turn on her heals and march off before anyone could interrupt her warm shower.

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