The UN finds crimes

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Jimmy: squad take him and interrogate him !

Squad: affirmative sir!

Policeman: (cough) what do you want?.

Jimmy: Where are we !!

Policeman: in the UN building unkowns with laser weaponry attacked the us president.

Jimmy: Where are those hostiles?!.

Policeman: in the big room.


Jimmy:  alright squad let's move!!

Squad: you didn't have to kill him

Jimmy: isn't he fro-.. oh nevermind.

(In the police office)      David : hey Jason you see those soliders?
Jason: yea he killed John must be the leader a beret..

David: well whoever they are they know about them  maybe more than we do.

Jason : let's hope not.

David: echo 4 to all units in and around the un building stay clear of any us soliders that are in out of date uniform

All units: affirmative what's best action apon meeting them.

David: answer all of their questions and you'll live.

All units: copy that!.

Jason: be aware they are going towards the big room over. And can get hostile quickly.!.

All units: copy.

Police-girl: this is echo 5 I have sight of the unkowns gonna stay behind over..

David: copy  that echo 5... stay in the shadows over

Echo 5 : copy that.


Jimmy: squad you think  anyone saw that?

Squad: negative.

Jimmy: it's good those things can't speak English, if they did we'd be in more trouble than we already are...

Squad: yup..

Matilde: hey sir think anyone knows us?.. that officer looked like he was confused when he saw us..

Jimmy: dont know... we should be close stay quiet marines

Squad: copy that.

Echo 5: this is echo 5.. the unkowns are apparently marines.. they also speak of the unkowns as if they have seen them before..

David: um say again you said they're marines? And they know these things?

Echo 5: affirmative

David: shit we need these guys all units inside the un building look for the  marines  which we called on earlier over..

All units: copy over...

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