Fight// Mikey

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You were sitting on the couch scrolling through your boyfriend Michaels phone while he is in the kitchen cleaning the dishes. You go on whatsapp and see a chat with a girl named Chelsea. You click on it but don't expect anything bad, you trust Mikey. You see a message saying "last night was fun ;)" from the girl. You call Michael. He comes to the living room and asks: "What's up (y/n)?" "Who is Chelsea?!" He just stares at you.

Suddenly he rips his phone out of your hand and nervously mumbles something under his breath. You ask him again, a little louder: "Michael! Who is Chelsea?! Why did she say the night was fun?! Are you cheating on me?!" "No. I'm not cheating on you!" he says but you don't believe him. "Tell me the truth!" you say angrily.

He looks at you with sadness in his eyes. "The other night when you were out with your girlfriends I was bored so I went to this party with Calum. He dissapeared with some girl. Then this girl, Chelsea, came and talked to me. I was drunk, I didn't know what I was doing. I love you (y/n), please forgive me."

You just stare at him and run out of the house. You don't know where to go, you didn't want to go home and explain the situation to your parents so you decide to go to your best friend Ashton.

The moment he openes the door you burst out crying. He doesn't even ask what happened he just holds you tight until you don't have any tears left. Then he pulles you into the house and askes what's going on. You tell him everything and start crying again. He just holds you in his arms and says that Michael is a total dick. You ask if you can sleep at Ashtons tonight. He of course says yes.

Next morning

You wake up and see that you have 15 missed calls. 14 from Michael and 1 from your mom. You ignore Mike and call your mom back. You tell her that you slept at Ashs and she tells you to come home. Since Ash is still asleep you write him a note saying

'I had to go home. Thanks for taking care of me :)
(Y/n) xx'

While walking home Michael calles you once again but you ignore him. When you are home you go straight to your room and turn on Mayday Parade as loud as you can.

Suddenly your mom is in your room yelling at you to turn your music quieter. You obey and she says: "You have a visitor." "Who is it?" you ask annoyed. You don't want to talk to anyone right now. She said: "Please just come downstairs."

You follow her downstairs and when you see Mike standing in the door you want to turn around and go straight back to your room but when you see his hurt eyes you walk up to him. "What do you want?!" you ask.

"To talk to you. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings (y/n). I really didn't. I was drunk and when Chelsea came up to me, I didn't think twice about it. But I should have. I love you (y/n) and I'm honestly so sorry and so mad at myself for hurting you. Seeing you like this, it brakes me. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you.
You are the most important person in my life. I love you (y/n), please forgive me."
You hear that he really means it so you just hug him and whisper "I forgive you" in his ear. You can feel him smiling and he says: " I don't know how I ever deserved you (y/n). I love you." "I love you too, Mikey."

I don't really know what to think about this. :/


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