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Everybody has fears,

Some fear the dark;

Others, heights;

But me, I fear the unknown,

I fear the unknown feeling of not knowing,

The feeling of unease, as you ride a roller coaster,

The hill up is just as scary as the drop down;

I fear not knowing when the ride will end,

I fear not knowing whether I passed a test,

And a thousand thoughts roam through my head,

Sometimes during the day,

Most times at night,

I fear that I mis-pronouce my french,

And that I look like an idiot;

I fear that I will forget a formula,

And sound stupid when I ask a question;

I fear that my lack of confidence,

Is a mental illness;

I fear the unknown of every mental illness,

Because I may have one...

But I just don't know....

~Kai B(Ru)

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