Cold Winters

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Cold Winters

The trees outside are always losing their leaves;

Every spring, they make a new green friend,

Come fall, the friend is gone and the tree is left alone.

The poor tree must not have a clue;

For it has to spend the whole winter alone,

Cold, alone, and with no hope,

But come spring, the tree's green friends will be back.

And it won't be lonely anymore.

Everybody has to go through a few winters,

Just to get to a warm spring;

Maybe the spring is damp,

And full of rain,

But you still have another winter to go through,

That winter may fix that.

Or maybe your still stuck in your cold, lonely winter,

But just remember,

Whether it's raining in the the winter;

Or in the spring,

After every storm, there is a rainbow.

~Kai B(Ru)

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