Meme hotline miami x arknights pt 2

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Jacket engage

Rhodes island hq

Doctor, amiya and including jacket, waiting for delivering to come

Jacket: *click* Why are we waiting for? *click*

Amiya: I'll delivering, its secret weapon that can used against enemies

Jacket: >:)

Doctor: I know that face anywhere, I'll going to say no, you are not using this weapon

Jacket: ಠ_ಠ

Doctor: Oh its here

The truck came to stop, the driver came but he very injured, the 3 help him

Amiya: What happen?

Driver: I was ambush by reunion members, they take the cargo with it.

Doctor: damn it, call Nearl, donnaball and W, We need to-

Before he could finish he sentence, jacket car left the landship

Amiya: he is going to that cargo?

Doctor: Why did I feel like his going  to do something crazy.

Ten minutes later

Jacket arrive at the location, he can't wait for back up

Delorean: Master, the reunion have heavy equipment, I suggest you chosen your partner

Choose you partner





John cena



You have chosen jacket


Jacket 2: *click* I am full of sandwich *click*

Jacket 1: *click* Help me, collect cargo *click*

Jacket 2: *click* Da *click*

On reunion saw two jacket

Reunion member: Oh no!

Many reunion are high alert, They're now see two jacket, they ready their guns, two guys were holding AK-47 and four were holding M4.

Reunion member: let me in, LET ME IIIINNNN!!!!

Reunion saw with binocular

Reunion saw with binocular

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Reunion member: Jesus!

2 jackets walk towards the base, reunion members fired at jackets, but the bullets bounce off destroying anything, they keep walking, one jacket mask comes off, but another mask came and he puts on, one of them had grenade launcher and launch at jacket face, but no effect, he launch it again, still no effect, reunion member carry RPG, And shoot at the two and explode, They though it was over

Both jackets: I smell russian

Both jackets runs out of the smokes and ran towards the base

The gate opens revealing a giant mech, it fires at 2 jackets, one jacket come closer to the mech and jump at the mech and tour through the controls, killing the pilot, the mech exploding and jacket t-pose in the air and land on the ground without ...

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The gate opens revealing a giant mech, it fires at 2 jackets, one jacket come closer to the mech and jump at the mech and tour through the controls, killing the pilot, the mech exploding and jacket t-pose in the air and land on the ground without moving.

One reunion with a gun, he is scare to shoot at jacket, he turn around t-pose, the reunion panics and shoots jacket, jacket is indestructible with bullets flying over him

It ran out of bullets, he close his eyes while jacket t-pose moves at the reunion, he open his eyes seeing jacket

Jacket 1: BOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

The reunion fell to the floor unconscious, jacket 2 came

Jacket 2: *click* it is time Go *click*

Jacket 1: *click* Da, cargo can not wait forever *click*

They walk away, but the box moxed

Jacket 1: *snort*

Jacket move back t-pose, he open the box revealing the reunion hiding in the box, he walk away, the reunion though it was safe, but jacket came running

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Jacket move back t-pose, he open the box revealing the reunion hiding in the box, he walk away, the reunion though it was safe, but jacket came running. jump in the air, he used his wrestling move

Reunion: no NO! NOOOO!!

Jacket kill him, creating a small earthquake in the eleventh, one reunion cough, they get out and open the door gate

They all ran to the elevation scare, but truck freak stays shooting in the face, jacket fist hits truck freak hands

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They all ran to the elevation scare, but truck freak stays shooting in the face, jacket fist hits truck freak hands

Truck freak: Agh! I need a medic bag

Jacket 1 hand glows, while jacket 2 dances

Jacket: *click* I am bulletproof! *click*

The light created a ray, erays everyone in the base, two reunion survive, they check it was clear, but 2 jacket run to the elevation, reunion press the elevation 5x times, it closes, but jackets 2 force they way in, one reunion shoot it with a RPG killing the theirself

End part 1

jacket wrath (hotline miami x arknights)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora