The aftermath

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You'd assume that Bakugo and I would be fine after a kidnapping, right? We're both strong people with... Mostly good morals.
Apparently, the school didn't agree and now we have therapy, sometimes it's together, sometimes it separate, it's usually together once a month to see how we talk to each other about the incident and to see if we've "trauma bonded" at all.
News flash; we really haven't.

"Hey Moony, is that really the hardest you can hit?" Bakugo and I kept training together, but I had really stopped going at it as much, seeing as I didn't want to lose control, and I was getting used to my wings.
"Shut the fuck up you jacked up Pomeranian." I rolled my eyes and leaned back as Bakugo sighed and just glared.
"You're not putting in enough effort, Luna."
"I know." I looked back at him and tried my best to not look like I was running off of an hour of sleep and five energy drinks.
"You look like shit."
"Fuck you." I summoned a hammer and tried to hit him, but he easily moved out of range and used his explosions to cause a distraction to go around me. I sighed and used my feathers to sense for him, Bakugo's body heat made it much too easy for me to find him.

"Damnit!" Bakugo fell out of a tree somewhere from my right, just out of my line of view.
"Ha!" I laughed and sat back against the tree, not really caring if he snuck up on me or not.
"Damnit Luna, you're too fucking powerful." Bakugo sat down across from me and gestured for his water bottle, which I threw at his face, and he caught it.

"I'm not that powerful-"
"Don't bullshit yourself." Bakugo sighed as he closed the water bottle, eyeing the cap, "you're more powerful than I am." It was almost a whisper, but it was something they both thought and never said out loud.
"Am I talking to Bakugo or-"
"You're about to be talking to yourself if you keep up the fucking sarcasm." Bakugo tried for a glare but sighed and gave up as he leaned back and looked at the canopy, you could barely see the stars here.
"You okay?" I shook out my wings as he tried to find a way to answer while protecting his pride.
"Just... Ready for the next thing." Bakugo looked back down at the ground and started absent mindedly massaging his hands.

"Ah... How is everything going with Rin?" I tried to sound nonchalant, but seeing as I was the crazy best friend, I tried to seem somewhat intimidating.
Bakugo smiled at his hands as he answered, "good, she's... Everything to me." He stopped and glared up at me. "Why the fuck are you asking?!"
"Because I'm her best friend, dumbass." I smirked and summoned a knife.
"Whatever." Bakugo looked down at his own water bottle and seemed to just realize that I didn't have one, "when's the last time you had water?"
"What?" I let the knife fall unto the ground.

"Water, dumbass. Do you know what that is?"
"Yes, I do, and I had some... Uh-"
"Come on, back to the dorms, you need food too I know you haven't eaten." Bakugo offered me a hand up, which I didn't take.
"Stop being nice asshat."
"I'll stop being nice when you take care of yourself again bitch face."
We shared a smile before racing back to the dorms.

The Backstory of Luna TakamiWhere stories live. Discover now