The Sports Festival, hurray.

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Apparently, the sports festival was a big thing, but Luna never remembered watching it the two years he was living in Japan, so he didn't really care that much about it, but he had to participate this year. Luna hated the idea of having to fight his classmates, because in training lately his trash brain keeps pointing out when he could have killed people, it was annoying, also, his back hurt like hell, and it looked like there were bumps coming out of the rashes on his back, which was super annoying. Luna sighed and changed into his hero costume, he had to fight Aoyama first, which would be easy enough since he couldn't use his quirk for long periods of time. Luna was considering just quitting as he walked out into the packed stadium, he hated this so much, he wasn't used to working while crowds watched him. Luna bit his tongue as he walked unto the raised platform just as Aoyama did, this wasn't work, he can't kill anyone.

"Luna, I hope you're ready to fail magnificently!" God, did he ever stop talking? Luna tried to contain his anger as the horn blew. Aoyama was stupid and used his beam right away, which was easy to predict and avoid, which let Luna rush him and hit him in the head with a war hammer, knocking him to the ground. Luna then hit Aoyama like a golf ball off of the platform, the easiest fight of Luna's life was over. Luna sighed and rolled his eyes as the crowd cheered, how pathetic, cheering on as kids fight and harm each other. Luna sulked off the platform and went back to the stands, but he wasn't even paying attention to any of the fights, he was too distracted by his own thoughts. You could have just killed him; it would have been one last idiot to deal with. But then Luna would have gotten in trouble, murder is illegal. So? How could anyone catch you? Do you know how many people you cou-

"Hey Luna, good job out there!" It was Kirishima. Luna managed a smile while his thoughts kept reminding him of how horrible he was, "hey Kiri, how was your fight? I've been really zoned out."

"Yeah, I could tell. I won my fight; I was up against Tetsutetsu."

"Aren't your quirks almost the same?"

"Yeah, he just turns metal." Kirishima's quirk was called hardening, and it's exactly what it sounds like, he can harden either parts of his body or his entire body if he really wanted to.

"Oh, I'm guessing it wasn't easy."

"Nope! But that's what made it fun."

"Fun, huh." What was fun about brutalizing other kids? Speaking of which, Uraraka and Bakugo were fighting, that poor girl, Bakugo was too fast and too strong for her, but the rocks above him was a good idea, Luna had to give her that. After a few more mind-numbing fights, that Luna barely paid any attention to, he had to go fight Todoroki himself, what a pain. Luna sighed as he walked into the ring, he was so done with all of this. Luna leaned back with his hands in his pockets, if he beat Todoroki, he would have to fight Bakugo. Luna rolled his eyes as the countdown started, he wanted to get this done quickly. As soon as the alarm sounded Luna stood still for a second, then jumped as a thin sheet of ice covered the floor, what a basic tactic. Luna slid over to Todoroki, who made an ice spike rush him, which he easily avoided. Luna summoned a sword, which he dragged along the ice as he quickly approached, making an ominous scrapping noise. Todoroki moved to avoid him a bit too late, Luna knocked him to the ground, making a satisfying crack come from Todoroki as he laid on the cement. Luna, having not a merciful bone in his body, summoned one of his less-spiky war hammers and had some fun beating Todoroki out of the arena, who, bless his heart, did his best to resist, but Luna was standing, quick, and relentless. Once Todoroki was out of the arena, which Luna took his sweet time doing, he just laid on the ground until medics came over and rushed him to the medbay.

"Luna Takami wins!" Luna casually walked off of the arena without looking up at the crowd who was cheering for him, how disgusting, didn't they see how Luna just brutalized his fellow classmate? After Luna went back to the waiting room, Bakugo barged in.

"What the hell are you doing in here?"

"This is my waiting room, dumbass." Luna sat back in his chair as Bakugo approached and slammed his hand unto the table, he was trying to be scary, how cute.

"I know you've been holding back; you better fight me at full force."

"Are you sure you want that?" Luna calmly inquired, pissing Bakugo off more. Bakugo stormed out without another word as Luna closed his eyes with a tired sigh and let his head hang back.

 Luna stepped out onto the arena tired and ready to end this as quickly as possible, but he knew Bakugo wouldn't be as easy to defeat as he wanted him to be. Luna decided it was best to save his breath as the countdown began, maybe sighing was becoming too much of a habit. As soon as the horn sounded, Bakugo propelled himself forward, fast as a rocket. Luna had a second of panic just before he quickly moved to the side to avoid Bakugo, who turned with Luna, using his explosions the entire way. Luna felt his back ache as he used a staff to propel himself above Bakugo, who he narrowly avoided. What a fucking beast Luna thought as he tried to bring a hammer down on Bakugo, who moved to the right, as Luna thought he would, just in time to get a nice gash in his thigh. Luna jumped away from Bakugo, avoiding an explosion to the face, Luna's back was starting to sting. Luna started to get progressively more aggressive as the fight continued, with Bakugo taking a fair bit more damage than Luna was as they went back and forth. Luna's back was starting to distract him, making him lash out, and Bakugo had plenty of gashes after a good amount of time. Luna sighed and stopped a few feet away from Bakugo, who had also stopped. They glared into each other's souls and steadily stalked towards each other, and when they were only a few inches from each other, they broke into crazy smiles and both held their hand up at the same time, surrendering and accepting defeat, they couldn't beat each other, Luna was too tired, and Bakugo knew he wasn't going to win this time. Cheers broke up in the crowd as Luna and Bakugo simultaneously sat down and took a few deep breaths, unable to say anything as the medics came up to them and brought them out of the arena to get cleaned up.

While they got healed and collected their breath, Bakugo and Luna exchanged advice, and asked questions, it was nice to have a civil conversation with Bakugo for once. After a few minutes Bakugo and Luna were pulled back to the arena, where they had to stand together on the number one pedestal, Todoroki was on the one to their right, the number two pedestal, and Tokoyami was too their left, on the number three pedestal.

"I feel stupid standing here." Bakugo roughly whispered to Luna, who nodded in agreement just as All Might, the current number one hero, came out into the arena. After giving a speech that Luna was too busy thinking about how badly his back hurt and about the lumps that were coming out of the rash to pay much attention too. Just as Luna snapped back to reality, All Might presented Bakugo and Luna with gold medals, and the others with theirs. The crowd cheered as Luna tried to not let his anger cloud his face, it disgusted him, people cheering for children who won by beating each other to a pulp, is this really something he wanted to show his support for as a hero? Luna decided to change his train of thought as he walked back over to Rin with Bakugo, who was waiting for them by the exit.

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