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July 29, 2016

To my dearest Joe,

Hi love! I am very sorry again that I had to postpone our visit. We had so many meetings and deadlines at work, I am really tired love.

After being a professional in the morning, straightaway I need to be a mom at night. I am just so exhausted. I can't even hire a nanny since my salary is just enough for me and Calli. I also help for my parents everyday expenses.

It's really hard Joe, I am working myself out but it's really not enough. Ang bilis maubos ng pera. Ang bilis mawala ng lahat. Ang bilis mong nawala.

I really wanted to visit your grave for some refreshment but I didn't have enough time right now.

Sorry Joe, I promise next month we'll be there.

Wait for us my love.

Your loving wife,

Letters to Joe (An Epistolary)Where stories live. Discover now