Ch. 9

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I sit against Abels crib drinking whatever was left in my bottle

"Jax c'mon you have to shower brother" Tig says "c'mon on brother" he says kicking my feet

"She took my son and my unborn kid" i yell throwing the bottle at the wall and kicking one of the bottles at the end of my feet, i grab another bottle for it to be snatched out of my hands

"Thats is c'mon get up" i hear Clays voice say "no now go away" i snap snatching the bottle from his hands "we arent going to find them if your sitting on your ass now get up and shower" he yells kicking my feet

I get out of the shower and put on a white v-neck and dark blue jeans and walk into the kitchen to see Clay and my mom sitting at the table

"Is any of her stuff here?" Gemma asks "no when we got back all her cloths and jewelry were all gone" i say grabbing a cup and some coffee before sitting down across from Clay "do you have any idea on where she could go?" Gemma asks "no clue besides L.A" i say placing my cup on the table "wait where that Brian guy live she seems close with him" i say "i dont know she said he's a cop and that he was transferred somewhere" my mom says taking a drink of her coffee and looking at me "whats his name ill get Juice to look him up" Clay says "Brian O'Connor" I say finishing my coffee off and putting my cup in the sink "ok ill go see Juice now" Clay says getting up and leaving along with my mom.

I lay on my bed looking over to Bri's side i grab my pocket knife and stab it into her pillow and start crying "she took everything i've ever loved" i whisper falling alseep for the first time since she left.


I sit up to see Bri and Abel laughing till Bri looks at me

"Stay away" she says getting up and grabbing Abel backing away

"Bri whats wrong?" I ask

" killed them" she says holding Abel close to her

"Who... who did i kill?" I ask walking towards her "my brother and sister" she says crying thats when i look behind me to see Dom and Mia on the floor in a pool of blood and then i look at my hands to see a gun

"Stay away" she says running away with Abel and not looking back at me

I wake up to feel something damp on my forehead "morning baby" i hear my moms voice "hiya ma" i say sitting up.

"Whats wrong?" She asks "just a nightmare" i say sitting on the edge of my bed "what about baby?" She asks sitting beside me and taking my hands in hers "i killed Dom and Mia and Bri took Abel and told me to stay away" i say standing up and over to my dresser where i had a bunch of pictures, I grabbed the one of me and Bri on her birthday she was sitting on my lap just as Half-sack took the picture i kissed her on the cheek causing her to scrunch her face off. I place the picture back and lean against the dresser and hang my head down "you miss her dont you baby?" My mom asks "yeah i do first girl i've ever really loved but her becoming involved with the club i knew it might of been hard for her" i say hitting the dresser with my palms.

"I loved her and i drove her away" i say letting a few tears roll down my cheek "i know baby i know you did" she says wrapping her arms around my shoulders and hugging me, i hug her and break down "its ok we'll find them" she says.

I pull into the club and see a car, i walk into the clubhouse to see Leon one of Doms friends "whats he doing here?" I ask opie "we saw him leaving the house with a bag with some of Bri's stuff" Chib says throwing a bag at me i open it to see some of Bri's hair products along with her curling wand and flat iron "where is she?" I ask throwing the bag on the ground "i aint telling you" he spits "you nearly killed my sister so i aint telling you shit" he says

"She has my kid and i want him back" i yell punching the wall near by "you asked her to be his mother so she's doing whats best for her son" he says "you could get my sister and your son killed sooner or later so shes doing what she has to do to protect her kids" he add emphasizing 'your'

"Let him go he want tell us" i say throwing my hands up as Opie lets him go


I get out of the building and automatically call Dom

"Hello?" Dom says

"Hey yo Dom its Leon" i say "listen Jaxs boy caught me leaving with the last of Bri's stuff they tried asking me where she is im pretty sure they're going to follow me so meet up at the house and ill bring the last of her things" i say jumping in my car and starting it up

"Ok and make sure when we get to the garage to look for a bug" Dom says "ok see you soon brother" i say pulling out of the parking lot onto the road.


"So it worked?" Opie asks "yah the trackers in and working" Juice says opening his laptop

"Ok so hes on the highway heading back to L.A" Juice says looking at his screen "ok its good to go" he says and we grab the mobile tracker and head to our bikes and leave.

We pull up in front of a garage to see Leon and Vinces car in the garage they were working on Leons car

"Fuck they might find the tracker" i say pulling away to the hotel...

Life in The Fastlane(Fast and Furious/Sons Of Anarchy)[Re-editing]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant