Chapter 28

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---- Vanquish the Demon of Zeref ----

The Curse Flute Lullaby crafted by the Legendary Black Wizard Zeref that most believe to be was just an ordinary flute had now transformed itself into a gigantic three eyed wood demon shocking everyone present. Now Team Fairytail find theirselves facing off against such entity in order to save the lives of the people from hearing it's demonic melody.

"It's so big!" Lucy yelled out panicked seeing Lullaby's demonic form.

"Way to state the obvious Lucy!" Happy sarcastically state back.

"What the hell is that thing? Erigor never said anything about a monster!" Kageyama yelled guilt stricken of unleashing a monster that may doomed everyone present.

"We're in a pickle." Master Bob commented.

"It must be a Demon from the Book of Zeref." Master Goldmine clarified

With Lullaby revealing its true form the other Masters inside and outside the Conference Hall are all fleeing in panicked to save theirselves from whatever demonic rampage Lullaby would do.

Lullaby paused for a moment to hear the sweet smell of freedom after being sealed for a long period of time. it then directed its vision towards the Fairytail wizards.

"How did the flute turned into a monster?" Lucy wondered out loud.

"That's Lullaby's true form in the flesh. It's forbidden BLACK MAGIC ; LIVING MAGIC, Zeref's specialty." Master Goldmine explained to the unaware wizards.

"LIVING MAGIC?" Erza muttered

"Who's Zeref? Wasn't he some kind of Ancient Wizard?" Gray asked

"He's the most evil wizard the world has ever known. He was very powerful back in his days, but I never in my wildest dreams imagine that his dark legacy would pop up back again." Master Bob answered.

"She was alive after all!" Natsu muttered looking at Lullaby.

"Hey, flame brain. Who you calling a she? Did you not see the size of that thing? It easily towered over the mountains. I wouldn't be calling it a girl if it even has a gender, that thing ia definitely a male and its certainly lacking some parts to be classified as female." Gray voiced out looking at Lullaby.

"Now which among this delectable souls should I dine on first? With your earlier comment I should probably start with you!" Lullaby mused gazing at the Fairytail wizards and pointing at Gray seemingly hurt by his comment.

"With how pitchy and the way she acts just now I guess my assumption is right. On the other hand with the way she's bragging you gotta wonder how do souls taste like?" Natsu wondered out loud.

"At a time like this I don't think it's appropriate to think about food." Gray replied back.

"Well I'm sorry. I haven't eaten all day you know." Natsu answered sarcastically.

"Oh yeah! After we left Magnolia Natsu never did get the chance to eat food from being knocked up and all the actions and fightings. No wonder you ask for food after beating up Erigor." Lucy commented.

"Aye!" Happy agreed teasingly.

"What's with the tone cat?" Lucy asked confused.

"Oh nothing, Natsu just loved to taste you special spicy chicken." Happy answered back in the same tone much to Lucy's annoyance.

"Whether or not we classified Lullaby as male or female it won't matter. We have to beat Lullaby, we will worry about dinner later!" Erza spoked demandingly.

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