"There isn't one," I murmured hesitantly. "Those guys... the really muscular ones. They walked me there."

"Oh," Harry said, a hint of fear creeping into his voice, and he pointed to his neck. "T-the one th-that..."

I nodded, swallowing hard, "Yes, Kitten... the one that bruised your neck and made your voice all funny."

Harry squirmed a little on my lap, clasping his hands together and examining them, "W-what does Harry do?"

"I guess we just-" I began, but at that moment, Dr. Shell walked into the room. Harry instantly cringed into me, his fingers tightening around my t-shirt.

"We've come across a situation," Dr. Shell began slowly, and Harry let out a tiny squeak. I pulled him closer and rubbed soothing circles onto his back.

Zayn sat up, inching closer to Harry and I, "And that situation is...?"

"Victor is still fuming," he pointed to me. "At you."

"It's because he was beaten. And he knows it. He didn't get what he wants, and he won't get what he wants," I replied firmly.

"Er," Dr. Shell made a face. "I'm supposed to separate you..."

"No!" Harry and I gasped in unison, instantly clinging tighter to one another. I continued, "No, we stay together. You're not taking him out of my sight and that's final. Speaking of taking, I'd appreciate it if you took Harry and I to the bathroom. Zayn as well."

Dr. Shell examined us for a moment before nodding slowly, "For now I'll take you to another room... it's got a bathroom in it."

I studied the man for a moment, trying to figure out if I should trust him. He opened the door to the room, however, and three large men stood outside. He'd came prepared to separate us. I shook my head, instantly pulling Harry closer and turning my back to the men, "No. No, I'm not falling for it. We're not going with you."

"Louis!" Dr. Shell laughed. "It's not a trap! If I wanted you separated, I'd make sure that you knew it. It's more fun when people put up a fight. Besides... I want to see you hit Eric again."

"I'm carrying Harry there," I declared. "I don't care if that requires me having a freakishly large guy both in front of me and behind me, but I'm carrying Harry. If one of you so much as touches him, then I will-"

"You can carry him," Dr. Shell stopped me mid rant. "We won't touch him."

"Okay," I said slowly, turning around so Zayn could stand and take Harry from me and let me get up without making Harry stand on his ankle. Once I stood, I picked Harry's coat back up, I gently took he Kitten boy from Zayn, and he happily clung to me as I carried him bridal style.

Zayn led the way, keeping Harry slightly in between us. We exited the room following Dr. Shell, who led us down the hall with one large man next to him while the other two walked behind us. It seemed as if each hall we turned down was made of stone.

Harry had to have noticed it as well because he whispered, "T-this is not v-very o-original."

I gave an amused smile at the boy's words, but watched carefully at the other men. Finally we came to a room where Dr. Shell unlocked a door and beckoned for us to walk inside. I pulled Harry closer as I slipped past the large man next to Dr. Shell. In the room, I was pleased to find that it was much homier than the last one. It was still made entirely out of cement, but it had a small room attached with a toilet inside, a large couch, and another tray of food and water bottles. Zayn bolted for the added on room with the toilet. It appeared that a shower curtain acted for the door, and Zayn pulled it closed behind him. I hurried over to the couch with the younger boy, gently setting him down so I could speak to Dr. Shell.

Uniquely Perfect - Larry Stylinson AU Kitten!Harry (with a bit of Niam) {Book1}Where stories live. Discover now