Chapter 11- Lollipop

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"Who's Riley?" -Grayson Hawthorne

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"Who's Riley?" -Grayson Hawthorne


"You know what they say," I paused to hold onto the side of the pool. "Third time's the charm." I continued, throwing an innocent smile at the blonde asshole. I won the first two rounds of the race, but Grayson won the third. "Shut up." he replied lamely as he lifted himself out the pool without any effort. I watched his muscles move, all his muscles. He may be rude as fuck but he is hot. I'm only saying that once.

"Help me up." I said as I held a hand out for him to take. "Help yourself." he answered in return. I rolled my eyes and splashed some water onto his very fucking toned legs. "Don't be an asshole and help me." I repeated, holding my hand out farther. He took it, stupid. I smirked as I tried to pull him back into the water but he was built like a rock and wouldn't budge. "Did you think I wouldn't know you'd do that?" he asked, eyebrow lifted. I scoffed and let go of his hand, washing my own in the water. I didn't need Grayson germs all over me right now.

I placed my hands on the concrete and lifted myself up and out of the water with ease. I was a swimmer for Goddesses sake, I've done this enough times to look hot while doing it. "Unbelievable." he said, throwing me back to what happened just earlier this day. I stood up and wrung my hair while maintaining eye contact with the blonde mossy rock. "Stop looking at me or I'll gouge your eyes out." I said, anger from earlier coming back.

"You stop looking or I'll blind you with chlorine." I let go of my hair and glared at him as a response. "You stop looking or I'll rip out all your hair." I retaliated. "You stop looking or I'll rip out your hair." he imitated. I tightened my jaw, "This is so childish." I rolled my eyes at him, as I glanced at the towel he was holding. I didn't bring my own because this swim session was a surprise. I needed to take his, I was freezing.

"Your polka-dot bra and floral underwear are childish." he replied, eyeing me up and down. "Eyes up here." I said and pulled his chin to look at me. I saw something flicker in his eyes and smirked. I used my other hand to take his towel.

"Wait! Come back here, this is childish." he said and began to chase me as I ran. The cold breeze was biting at my skin but it sure as hell was devouring his. Why was I even thinking of his skin being devoured, that was nonsense.

I laughed into the wind and smiled in victory, "Your Ben 10 briefs are childish!" I yelled back to him before running into the mansion through the same doors I used to get out of. He followed me inside, "You running away like this is childish!" he replied stupidly. I made a few turns while thinking of what I was going to say next, "Your Draco Malfoy hair is childish!" I yelled out, I was enjoying being chased by this rock. I heard him grumble behind me, making my laughter double. I made a left and so did he.

"Your Vanessa Doofenshmirtz hair is childish!" he yelled to me and I swear I heard a chuckle. I gasped in fake offence "Oh yeah? Well your Johnny Bravo hair is childish." I replied in a fit of giggles, my legs beginning to ache from running so much. "Says the one who looks like a childish Edna." his voice was much nearer to me now. "Shut up, you childish Riley." I managed to finish my sentence before ending it with a scream.

This pompous asshole tackled me, he tackled me. I felt his arms wrap around my half naked torso before we landed in a heap on the floor. His hand was at the back of my head to make sure I wouldn't break my skull or get a concussion, thoughtful. I let out a few ow's in between giggles. My nose was freezing from the air and I could see his face was flush. His body felt cold against my own. "Who's Riley?" he asked, our faces centimeters apart. "The little girl from Inside Out." I answered, no menace or sarcasm in my tone.

The man in front of me let out a chuckle and smiled at me, I found myself smiling back at him. "Well then, you're a childish Joy." he said quietly. "And you're a childish Anger." I whispered at him. Grayson broke eye contact to glance quickly at my lips, I was afraid. I didn't hate him looking at my mouth and that scared me. I didn't hate him being this close and that scared me even more.

I watched his mouth move, "You're a childish Anna." he whispered back, mesmerizing me with how easy he talks. I didn't want to reply, I knew I would stutter and get all awkward. "You're a childish Kristoff." I didn't stutter.

I blinked a few times and fully realized who I was talking to. I think Grayson did too since we pulled away from each other in a split second. I started rubbing my arms and torso like I was disgusted to be close to him. 

Our little bubble disappeared.

I raised a hand to touch my face, it was all hot. I looked up and noticed he was doing the same. We were blushing, all because of each other. What has happened to the world? I was convinced the earth started to rotate the opposite way.

"Here's your towel back." I took it off me and handed it back to him, well I tried but his gaze made me feel all self conscious. I should've worn matching underwear. "You keep it, I insist." he replied and that was all I needed to wrap it back around me. Our voices and expressions were back to being cold. 

We walked away from each other backwards slowly, "Umm." I started, "See you tomorrow." I didn't want to sound so awkward. He nodded and looked down at the ground to avert my gaze, "See you tomorrow for breakfast." he returned and walked away before I could even reply.

Was he making plans? I hugged the towel around me tighter and I swear I saw Mike smiling foolishly from the corner of my eye.

i didnt want them to kiss yet bc it would be too soon but i wanted to start developing their feelings for eo.. BRO I LOVE GRAYSON SO MUCH ANJGNDA for the childish part i was so close to putting rory gilmore and tristan dugray. yk like "your childish rory gilmore attitude." and "
your childish tristan dugray smile." smn like that... okay thats it i love you all, i hope this wasnt so fast.

also im working on an anne with an e fanfic so im sry if i update this slowly

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