Chapter 2

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Freddy woke up to the sound of something banging on his chest, he opens his eyes and saw baby Gregory lightly kicking on his chest "hello there little one" Freddy said gently bouncing the baby boy, he looks at his eternal clock and saw it was 5 a.m. an hour before opening "what am I going to do about you....I can't leave you here alone" Freddy said looking down at baby Gregory, then he his ears perked up "the daycare!" Freddy said accidentally talking loudly. Gregory stirred and whined as he was rudely woken up "sorry" Freddy whispered gently bouncing baby Gregory, he unplugged himself from the outlet, the cord going back in his compartment and he stood up to his feet he looks down at the burn Mark's on his chest and stomach. He grabs a cloth and wipes the burn marks off "now how am I going to leave the room?" He said placing the cloth away, he grabs the bag and placed it in his stomach hatch.

He then walks up to his arcade game and pressed the button to the maintenance room and entered. He turned on his eyes light and looked around the room, he then spotted the air vents and climbs inside the vents and begins crawling in the vents, with Gregory cradled in one hand, and trying to be as quiet and stealthy as possible. As he made another right he saw Roxanne room and slowly crawled extra quietly through her room, knowing that Roxy's eyes and ears are very special, the then crawled passed Montys room, knowing that he's asleep and that he's not having a 'tantrum' as Vanessa calls it and continued to crawl in the vents. After awhile of crawling in the vents he finally found the exit and slowly steps down to the ground and quietly and quickly made his way to the daycare center.

Soon he made it to the daycare center, he looked down at the sleeping baby and gently places him in his stomach hatch. He then slowly opens the big wooden doors "hello. Sundrop, are you in here?" Freddy said peaking his head through the door, he opens the door wider and enters the daycare, looking around for the daycare attendance. He heard a noise from behind him and was almost knocked down to the ground by a strong force, he open his eyes and saw Sundrop hugging his neck "FREDDY!!! Where have you been? You're sure up early? I'm so happy you're here!" Sundrop said wrapping his extended arms around Freddy "it's nice to see you again too Sun" Freddy said smiling at his friend "Sundrop, there is something I need to show you" Freddy said as Sundrop retracted his arms from the hug "ooh what is it, what is it?" Sundrop said bouncing up and down "but you must be quiet, he's sleeping" Freddy said "he?" Sundrop said raising an eyebrow, Freddy opens his stomach hatch and pulls out baby Gregory

Sundrop let out a gasp "IS THAT A BABY?!?!?!" Sundrop shouted pointing to the blue bundle in Freddy's arms "shhhhh, lower your voice sun, he's asleep" Freddy said shushing Sundrop "HOW CAN I CALM DOWN WHEN YOU HAVE A BABY IN YOUR ARMS!!!" Sundrop shouted. Suddenly Gregory started wailing woken up from the loud shouting, Sundrop realizing his mistake quickly took Gregory from Freddy and bounced him in his arms "oh my stars, I'm so, so, so, so, sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, it's okay, your okay" Sundrop said comforting the baby, Gregory slowly stopped wailing but was still crying quietly "what's wrong?" Sundrop said doing a quick scan on the baby, he soon figured out what was wrong. He was hungry "oh your hungry, I wonder if there still some baby formula that wasn't locked away" Sundrop said looking around the daycare "I think there some in here" Freddy said opening his stomach hatch and pulls out the baby bag. Sundrop took the bag and pulls out the baby formula, along with a water bottle and a baby bottle "thank you!" Sundrop said handing Gregory to Freddy and began making the baby bottle "all done!" Sundrop said handing the bottle to Freddy

"Thank you Sun" Freddy said taking the bottle and placed it in Gregory's mouth who immediately started sucking on the bottle "so where did this happened?" Sundrop said talking quieter now "I found him, in my stomach hatch, his mother placed him there, along with thos bag and a note" Freddy said pulling out the note and handing it to the Daycare attendant. Sundrop took the note and read through it, when he finished he looked at the baby then back at the animatronic "why would they leave him here and not to the authorities?" Sundrop asked looking at the baby "I do not know, perhaps she was scared and worried that this other lady would find him" Freddy said looking down at baby Gregory. Sundrop looked at the baby then back to Freddy "alright, your secret is safe with me" Sundrop said, Freddy smiled "thank you so much" Freddy said hugging Sundrop

Sundrop smiled and hugged back, when they parted he looked at Gregory and saw that he finished the bottle and was fussing, Sundrop saw this and took baby Gregory and began to pat his back "so, how is moon?" Freddy asked, Sundrop paused for a moment and his smile faded a bit "good, I guess...he hasn't spoken, hasn't moved, eaten, or come out of our room ever since...the incident, and the children really miss him and I'm sure he misses them too" Sundrop said looking at the tower of his and Moondrops room. Then there was a burp and Gregory was all better "there don't you feel better now sunbeam" Sundrop said tickling baby Gregory, he then gave him back to Freddy with a smile " oh! Didn't you heard the announcement" Sundrop said "announcement?" Freddy said raising an eyebrow "the announcement that the Pizzaplex is closed for a week for maintenance repairs, which I am glad that they're finally going to fix up the Pizzaplex" Sundrop said "I am glad too, well I better get back to my room before I am caught" Freddy said "okie-dokie come visit any time!" Sundrop said waving goodbye to Freddy as he left through the big wooden doors

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2022 ⏰

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