lunch date.

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"that's my wifey!" Said yibo and Zhan gave him s peck on yibo's lips and said, "what time?"

"8, I guess it's a dinner party!"

"Jin Xiao's?" Asked Zhan, utter disgust visible on his face.

"Yes...but we can decline if you want" said yibo.

"It's not good to always decline people !" Said Zhan.

"Right, how about we go out till the time?"

"Do you want to?" Asked Zhan cleaning the kitchen.

"Not really, do you want to?" Said Zhan.

"Will you sing for me?" Asked Yibo getting up and hugging zhan's small waist.

"Which song?" Asked Zhan smiling.

"My favourite song!" Said yibo.

Yibo climbed over Zhan and hugged him, stuck to him like a Koala bear and said,
"Is Zhan Zhan ok with a Koala bear hanging on him?"

"Obviously, I love my koala bear!" Said Zhan and kissed yibo's hair.

"Sing for me!" Said yibo in a low voice.

"Ok.." and Zhan sang yibo's favourite song for him.

Zhan's voice is sweet like sugar, yibo in no time fell asleep again. Zhan saw Yibo peacefully sleeping in his embrace, he wiped his hands and thought he'd put yibo to bet do that he can sleep better.

Zhan moved to their room and slowly kept yibo on the bed, yibo looking like a small baby snuggled into the pillow and Zhan tucked him in the blanket and kissed his forehead and beautifully smiled.
Zhan went back to work and started making breakfast, he was going to make yibo's favourite pancakes.

Zhan is always too much into cooking, whenever he is cooking he won't notice the surroundings, of what is happening. He won't pay attention even if someone is carrying a gun to him, well now he knows how to shoot someone to death, but he just won't use it.

Zhan is a kind hearted person, he just can't kill someone, ever.

Zhan was cooking pancakes for himself and Yibo. He didn't notice that yibo is now awake and he is planning something. He decided to check how alert xiao Zhan is. If he can fight if someone tries to kill him.

He wore a mask and black clothes, he took out a gun and slowly without making any sound went outside.
He walked to Xiao Zhan without any single sound and pointed the gun to his back.

Zhan immediately straighend his back and head, he can't turn around or the trigger will be pressed. Now Zhan always carries a Ka-bar knife with him, just in case, he slowly moved his hand to his chest, he had the knife there. Zhan took it out and Turned around and charged the man with the dagger.

Zhan's fighting Speed is very fast, like u can't tell when he will throw his next charge. He continued fighting while the men in Black didn't fight but only dodged back the charges. Zhan's moves were soundless. Zhan while fighting moved forward too and somehow managed to take out the gun from the drawer.

As he took it out and pointed it at the man, the man wasn't stunned but a little happy, as his boyfriend was very good at fighting. He smiled which didn't go unnoticed by Zhan even if he smiled under the mask.

"Why are u smiling? Oh you thought attacking yibo's boyfriend will lurk Wang yibo out? Well you're wrong, I can kill h right now and not even let yibo know about it. You see that room, he's asleep. I'll kill u to not disturb him!" Said Zhan and almost pressed the trigger but yibo removed his mask and said,

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