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Zhan and Yibo were staring at the beautiful night sky, filled with stars and a beautiful moon embracing them.

Zhan's head was resting on yibo's shoulder and hands wrapped around his waist while one of yibo's hands was holding zhan's hand and one was caressing his back.

"I am sorry yibo..." Said Zhan in the low voice

"For what Zhan Zhan?" Asked Yibo

"For starting this ruckus and then leaving you worried for me..." Said Zhan with tears in his eyes

"You didn't do anything Zhan Zhan, I am sorry for showing you that picture even when you knew I never had any boyfriends or girlfriends before" said yibo rubbing zhan's back

"Still I...wait!" Zhan snaps his head and looked at Yibo with a surprised expression

"What did you say...u knew I knew you didn't have any boyfriends or girlfriends before!" Siad zhan

"Yes...?" Said yibo

"You-" before Zhan could complete his sentence yibo shut him by joining their lips.

After a while yibo let go of his lips and siad, "sorry I didn't tell you..."

"You don't have to be, Yibo you have the right to know everything about me like I did about you!" Siad zhan and smiled

"Sure zhan Zhan!" Said yibo and Zhan pecked on his lips and said, "let's go in, it's cold!"

"Ok" said yibo and they went back inside.

Zhan and Yibo were in their bed again and Yibo said," Zhan Zhan tomorrow is Christmas!"

"Mnhm, it is. Does the little bobo want a present from santa?" Asked Zhan

"I'm not small! And yes I want something from santa!" Said yibo

"What does bobo want?" Asked Zhan

"A happy life with my Zhan Zhan forever!" Said yibo

"Of course santa will give you a happy life with your zhan Zhan!" Said Zhan and caressed his hand as they drift to the slumber with intervined fingers.

(In the morning)

Yibo wakes up before Zhan and sees him sleeping peacefully.
He carefully caressed his cheeks and smiled. After Zhan came in his life his behaviour, attitude, and most importantly heart and state of mind have changed.

Zhan's cuteness is overloaded and it will make him crazy one day. Zhan slowly opened his eyes and looked at Yibo with a smile.

He says, "good morning yibo

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He says, "good morning yibo..."

"Good morning Zhan Zhan..."

"And also merry Christmas bobo" said Zhan and Yibo gave him a small peck on his nose.

Fault. Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora