꧁Needing Someone꧂

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Flip!Tommy, Flip!Tubbo, and NewCg!Ranboo
(Pre- Dream getting out of prison)

Tw: Bad thoughts, panic, crying, missing an old cg (if there's more tell me)

Also I'm not very good at writing yet, but these are all going to be practice!

Tommy wasn't quite feeling like himself today, he fell asleep the previous night mid-panic attack, and upon waking up, bad feelings were definitely present. Regression began tugging at the edges of his mind, the coping mechanism he relied on so much. Sometimes he just needed the escape, along with getting back the childhood he never truly had.

He sat up, registering being awake for a minute, and knew quickly he couldn't be alone right then. He just, really wasn't okay at that moment, and he couldn't handle it on his own.

The issue was, the only people who knew about his coping mechanism were Tubbo and Wilbur.
Tommy's first thought was to go to Tubbo, but remembered he was going to visit L'Manburg (or what it used to be). He figured that wouldn't be good on his mental health currently, so he thought about going to Wilbur- but Wilbur was still gone. He did get revived, but..

Anyways, he was stuck. He couldn't go to either people who knew about his regression while he was on the edge of it, but he also couldn't be alone for much longer.
He thought for a minute, then remembered-


Maybe he could go to Ranboo.. he was a good friend now, they had their issues in the beginning, but he was honestly such a great person. Tommy had hung out with Ranboo while he wasn't feeling well before, so it wouldn't be that big of a deal.

Except for his headspace threatening to cave down.

..He would just have to stay big.

It wasn't like Tommy hadn't pushed it away many times before, he just had to do it again.
(Though, maybe he did count the fact the Ranboo most likely would be okay with it.. just in case)

He didn't give it much more thought before getting out of bed, Ranboo was safe enough, and honestly, he needed someone now.

So now he was making his way to-

Wait- where is Ranboo?

Tommy realizes he had no idea where Ranboo was going to be today- there goes that plan of spontaneously showing up.

He pulls out his communicator and types out his message, not bothering to fix any typing mistakes,
"You whisper to Ranboo: OI WHETE YPU AT?"

Waiting impatiently for a few moments, he watches the chat move up a few messages
"Ranboo whispers to you: near the main portal"
"Ranboo whispers to you: why"

Tommy pauses, his emotions starting to become a bit too much, before shakily typing out,
"You whisper to Ranboo: stau pls"
"You whisper to Ranboo: cpmibg"

"Ranboo whispers to you: ok"
"Ranboo whispers to you: you alright?"

Tommy decidedly ignores the messages to make his way to where Ranboo was, trying to gain composure.
He succeeds mostly, walking up the steps to the portal. He sees Ranboo, leaning against the side of it, organizing their inventory. He isn't sure how to get their attention, now realizing speaking sounds a bit too overwhelming, but thankfully they notice him first.

"Oh- hey Tommy!" They say a bit quieter than they normally would, definitely knowing Tommy wasn't feeling well.
Tommy awkwardly stands there for a moment, then looks at the ground, opening his arms to ask for a hug.

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