Chapter 4

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After the discussion with Fox, Alex was in the woods walking. He had to get away from all this. Memories of Jackie dying came back into Alex's vision. He fell to his knees and cried into his hands. He was shaking badly. The voice came back.

"They are all going to die." The voice said and Alex cried even more. He got up and started to walk farther away. "Alex, your never too young to die." He started into a jog. He had to leave the camp before he went crazy. He heard footsteps behind him. He ended up tripping over a tree root and fell on his face. He curled up into a ball.

"Leave me alone. They did nothing." Alex yelled. He was trying to get the voice to leave.

"Never to young to die Alex." Voice said.

"I never wanted to do this job. Leave me alone." Alex said. More memories of Jackie came into his vision and then so of them with his uncle Ian. He keep crying.

"They all died to protect you. You don't need protection. You have the luck of the devil." The voice said. "The only way to save the world is if you die. Give the devil his luck back end the misery of others." The voice said. Alex looked in front of him. The sky was getting darker and he heard thunder.

"I am done." Alex said. Wolf was behind him. Alex got up and went to a different tree and started to climb the tree. Wolf was about to stop him but Alex was too quick. No one else knew how to climb trees.

"Cub!" Wolf said. Alex keep on climbing. The voice in his head stopped for now but Alex was done. Wolf heard thunder and his eyes widen.

"Alex! This is not how your suppose to end your life." Fox said. He knew what Alex was thinking.

"I'm done Fox. I can't handle the job anymore. To many people die." Alex said. He climb higher in to the tree. Lightning strike far in the distance but can be heard loud.

"Alex, you got us. We can protect you, you need to come down." Fox said. Alex stopped and looked down at Fox. He was almost to the top.

"That's the problem, everyone that protects me dies. I can't have that happen to anyone else." Alex said. Pain went through his heart remembering Jackie more.

"We are really hard to kill Cub. Please come down. We need you." Fox said. Eagle was talking into the radio. Snake was watching Alex along with Wolf. Both of them waited for him to come down.

"I'm sorry Fox." Alex said and he climb to the top and stood waiting for his fate. He could hear Fox yelling at him. All Alex knew was that it was his time. Alex closed his eyes. He heard a big clap of thunder and he felt something powerful go through him. He fell back to a lower branch. He was unconscious. Fox started to climb up there the best he could. He had a tear go down his cheek. Once he got to the top he check Alex and slowly brought him down.

"He's still breathing." Snake said. He looked like he was not hit by lightning. Fox wiped a tear away and they carried Alex to the base to get check up. Once they did that they took him to there cabin. They all waited for Alex to wake up.


Alex woke up a few hours later. He saw it was dark outside. His eyes opened and felt pain. He keep thinking of how he survived lightning. He sat up and Fox was in the room. He walked over to Alex. Fox hit Alex in the side of the head.

"Ow." Alex said.

"That's what you get for scaring me to death." Fox said. Alex rubbed his head where fox slapped him. "Alex, this unit really cares for you. Can't you see that. If we die, it will be for you." Fox said and then he gave Alex a hug. "I thought you were dead." Fox said.

"I'm fine Fox, really." Fox let go of Alex and let him walk around the room. The rest joined them a little later.

"You got some explaining to do Cub." Wolf said. Alex sat down on his bed.

"Well it started with the nightmare I had last night. Then in the morning I started to a hear a voice in my head. Now I'm sounding like I'm crazy." All of the nodded. "Well, it keep saying you guys were going to die and that I was the one that was going to cause it. I could not let that happen so I ran. I think you can figure out the rest." Alex said.

"That's never going to happen Cub." Wolf said. "We are a team. You should have told us about the talk person in your head this morning and then we would not have to be so scared of you hurting yourself." Wolf said. They all sat down. Alex had a small smile.

"I think I took care of the voice with the lightning." Alex said. They all laughed and went to bed after a small dissection about tomorrow. Alex went to bed with a small smile on his face and not dreams.

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