31 - Haikyuu as Camp Camp (ep. 1)

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Washijo: Kids are here.

Bokuto: Ha!

Bokuto: *heavily inhaling*

Bokuto: Oh yeah, smell that nature! Oh that's the stuff.

Takeda: Well hello there, little man. You must be Koutaro.

Takeda: My name is Ittetsu, your camp--

*Takeda screaming in pain as Bokuto bites him*

Kuroo: Um, excuse me?

Kuroo: Is this Science Camp?

Bokuto: No, silly!

Bokuto: This is Adventure Camp. Ad-ven-ture!

Bokuto: My mom said so! Unless she was lying. Again.

Bokuto: Sorry about that hand by the way. Just exerting dominance, you know how it goes.

Takeda: Uh, and you must be Tetsurō.

Takeda: Well, you two will be happy to know that Camp Campbell is both of th--

*Takeda screaming after getting hit by the bus.. again*

Tsukishima: Stupid prepubescent legs!

Washijo: Not today, child. Only one driving this bus is me.

Takeda: Ugh. Thank you, Washijo.

Washijo: You're on your own, now.

Washijo: Going on break, be back for the bus at noon.

Takeda: Kei, you are not leaving my side for the rest of the day.

Tsukishima: We'll see about that, camp man.

Kuroo: So what's your deal?

Tsukishima: *sigh* I'm just a kid trying to survive out here, Tetsurō.

Takeda: Now let's go check out the camp, kids!


Takeda: The first stop on any good tour is the flagpole!

Takeda: I can't help but give it the official Camp Campbell salute every time I see it.

Takeda: Beside the flagpole is our mess hall, which--

Takeda: Oh! Sorry, saw the flag again.

Takeda: Beside the flagpole is our mess hall, which is connected to the Washijo Store.

Takeda: It's here that we'll serve meals, hold announcements, and occasionally take part in camp activities.

Takeda: Tell 'em just how much you love it, Kei!

Tsukishima: See, that's the sad thing. He still actually thinks that I love it.

Takeda: And who wouldn't?

Takeda: Now, let's step inside and meet my co-counselor Keishin, who's in the middle of a camp activity right now!

Takeda: Oho man, you're gonna love him.

Takeda: Gooood morning, Keishin!

Ukai: Motherfucker!

HAIKYUU! CORRECT QUOTES? wait*rereads script* I MEANT INCORRECT QUOTES!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora